Chapter 26

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[A/N]: IMPORTAAAAANT!: In my last "chapter" that wasn't a chapter. Twas only a sneak peek in case some of you were confused. The part you read is in this chapter as well. I only had that last part up to shamelessly promote my new story Wanted Most. And I'm gonna do it again xD Go read it if you have time. Wanted Most. On my profile. I like writing it so I'll probably update quite a bit, and it's a short story cause it was intended to be a one shot. ANYWHO THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO PayneLiamLover BECAUSE LOOK AT THE MULTIMEDIA EES ELIJAH SO COOOOT.

[Louis' P.O.V]

Harry, our babies, and I stayed at Dr. Shell's for about three more days before Dr. Shell told Harry he could go home. But I was still skeptical. 

"You're sure?" I pressed. "He won't pull open his stitches?"

"I don't think he will, no," Dr. Shell soothed. "The ones inside him will dissolve soon, and he can come back in about two or three days to get his sutures removed." 

I glanced at Harry where he was sitting on the bed with our babies. He clearly felt better, sitting up and looking much perkier as he cradled Elijah with one arm and gently combed through Fionna's curls with a comb he had in his free hand, "You are such a good beebee... such lovely hair, my Feenna." 

She looked extremely pleased, strangely liking her hair being played with. Then again, even if she was only a baby she was Harry's child. She simply chewed on the ear of her Maow, looking at her toes as she wiggled them. Dr. Shell chuckled, "She seems to be tolerating that well, for a one year old." 

"She's always a good baby," I murmured. 

"Well, good parents normally make good babies," Dr. Shell shrugged.

Fionna attempted to lean back against Harry, however, but Harry winced as she leaned against the pillow he had covering his tummy, using his free hand to gently adjust her as she babbled to him. I gave Dr. Shell an appreciative grin as I hurried to Harry's aid. 

"Beebee!" I whispered, glancing at our half asleep baby boy as Fionna squealed and reached out for me. 

I scooped her up and hoisted her in the air, nuzzling my nose against hers. Harry giggled, smiling fondly at us, "Both are so silly..." 

"Is our baby boy sleeping?" I hummed, lowering Fionna back to cuddle her close. 

"Think so," Harry murmured, gazing down at Elijah lovingly. "Is very snuffly, though." 

Fionna's finger's slightly sticky hand touched my cheek lightly, "Lob." 

"Lob you too, beebee," I looked to her, smiling widely. "Did you just need some attention on you, my Feenna? You love attention, don't you my little Kitten." 

I blew a raspberry onto her cheek to make her squeal, and she pressed her open mouth to my cheek and attempted to give me one as well. However, all she managed to do was huff out some air and drool on me, so I peppered her little face with kisses. 

"Oh," Harry said suddenly. "My color that on my hand where that needle was fell off..."

"That's alright lad," Dr. Shell told him. "Wanna get Elijah ready to take him home?"

"My mum and sisters are waiting there," I chuckled. "They didn't want to come get in our way."

Harry nodded, gently adjusting Elijah and moving to stand with him, "Will need lots of blankies, and needs his little beanie." 

"The weather out isn't actually bad," Dr. Shell told us. "But it is a bit chilly, so yes, both the munchkins should probably be bundled up." 

"Maow!" Fionna crowed, squirming excitedly in my arms. 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now