Chapter 12

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[A/N]: Sorry it's been taking me a bit to update, I just... I don't know, I'm easily distracted D: This chapter is dedicated to dontlietomehoney for making me the adorable multimedia!

[Louis' P.O.V]

I was woken up the day of my birthday with Harry, like he had the year before, bringing me breakfast in bed. However, instead of just Harry waking me up, a squealing baby girl crawled on me and flopped onto my chest, cooing and teething at the blanket I was covered with.

"Hello, my Kittens!" I giggled.

"Say happy birthday to Daddy, Feenna!" Harry stroked at her fuzzy curls after he set the tray of breakfast carefully on our nightstand and made sure our wedding bands were still safe on the flat surface as well.

She screeched loudly, "Dahey!"

"That's close enough," I crooned, gathering her in my arms and sitting up. "Daddy loves his Feenna."

Harry grinned at us, one of his hands moving to splay across his tummy. Fionna snuggled closer, and Harry laughed, reaching to point at her shirt. I craned my neck back a bit to look at the front, finding her little shirt had a heart on it and big letters spelling 'I Love My Daddy', "Loves her daddy, too! So much!"

"That's so adorable!" I gushed and held my free hand out to him, "C'mere, baby Kitten! Let's snuggle."

"Made you toast and stuff?" Harry offered.

"You're the best, baby," I cooed to him, continuing to beckon him onto the bed with me. He crawled up carefully beside me and tucked himself under my arm. His head rested near Fionna's on my chest. "We can all share it. Fionna can have some applesauce, you can have some applesauce... or anything you and our baby boy Pumpkin think sounds good. Did you eat?"

Harry nodded his head, "Yes because Liam and Niall are here? Said you would want me to eat and that I needed to take my medicine. Feenna had a bottle already... played with Lucy and Baxter."

"And I didn't wake up!" I said in slight surprise. "Weird..."

"Were sleepy, my Louis," Harry leaned to press a kiss to my lips. "Needed to sleep! Oh! And I think your mum and sisters are on their way?"


"Feenna will love having her aunts here to play with her!" I gushed to the baby in my arms, and she shrieked happily.

Liam suddenly poked his head through the door, "Morning, Lou! Happy birthday, mate."

"Thanks, Li," I grinned up at him. "It's been a pretty happy birthday so far! I've got my Kittens, I've got some breakfast..."

"You've also got about three hours before your mum gets here, and since you won't get some alone time until after Christmas, would you want Niall and I to maybe... take Fionna out for a bit? So you and Harry can stay here and do... whatever."

I looked to the baby girl in my arms, finding her happily chewing on the corner of our blanket. She gurgled and grinned at me as she realized I was looking at her, and I pressed a kiss to her temple, "This is my first birthday with my beebee... I think I want to keep her here!"

"Yes," Harry nodded. "Can wait, Liam... we are not Niall."

Liam burst into laughter at that, nodding his head, "Good point, Harry... good point."

I pointed to the tray on the nightstand, "Liam, can you bring us that tray?"

"I can get it," Harry offered, carefully trying to move away to reach the tray.

"You're supposed to take it easy, young Kitten," I scolded playfully. "Pumpkin Seed probably agrees, too. He knows when his dada is tired."

Liam hurried over and carefully placed the tray on the bed in front of us, "Harry made you the toast, got you the applesauce and the grapes, and I made the sausage for you."

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now