Chapter 17

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th [A/N]: My classes start tomorrow. Okay, so I have two classes a day... four classes total xD I just have two classes one day, then the next two the next day. So every other day my classes change. If that makes sense... ANYWAY yeah, so hopefully I still have time to update every now and then. This chapter is dedicated to psoup14 for making the cute edit in the multimedia!

[Louis' P.O.V]

I was extremely happy when I could finally pick my baby up again, and the two weeks were long awaited. Harry had done such a good job at taking care of Fionna since I couldn't carry her around to take care of her, and he was perfectly fine up until a week Zayn's birthday. After that, he was practically limping everywhere with his sore feet and walked slightly hunched from back pain. That made me feel horrible. He was nearly five and a half months pregnant, he didn't need to be doing everything that he was doing. But luckily, by January 24th it'd been a little over two weeks since my surgery, I had long since gotten my stitches out, and I felt completely back to normal.

Since Harry couldn't come, Zayn went with me for my check-up. It was a simple procedure where the doctor cleared me, told me I could start lifting things again but not to strain myself, and then sent me on my way. On the way back to the flat, Zayn wiggled his eyebrows at me, "Wanna get your tattoo now?"

"What?" I laughed. "Zayn, I don't even know what tattoo I would get."

"Something that means something to you, I don't know!" Zayn laughed. "An H for Harry or something, on your wrist, hand, wherever the hell you want it."

"What about two tattoos?" I pursed my lips. "I like your H idea, but also like... Fionna? I want her name, too."

"That's kind of cute," the dark haired boy laughed. "Where?"

"My collarbone maybe..." I shrugged, pointing to my right one. "Fionna... then on my left collarbone, when we decide on a name, Pumpkin's name?"

"Well now we have to go and get you these two tattoos. We're going. We're going now," Zayn declared, steering off away from the direction of my flat.

"But I need to get back and take care of Harry and Fionna," I protested.

"He's got Liam and Niall to help him, Harry is fine," Zayn waved a hand.

My collarbone was apparently one of the most painful places to get a tattoo, and it did smart a bit as the man inked an elegant scrawl of Fionna's name across my right collarbone. I made sure he used two n's, and once he'd finished that and cleaned it up, covering it with a plastic wrap. Zayn, however, declared I also wanted an H, yet I had no idea where to get one.

The tattoo artist was a burly man with limited hair on his head, and he pursed his pierced lip before suggesting, "Get it somewhere this 'H' lover of yours can only see it. Makes it more private."

"Can I know where it is?" Zayn asked enthusiastically.

"No," I grinned, pointing to the door so he'd leave.

Zayn reluctantly left, and the tattoo guy chuckled, "I guess I'm kind of going to have to know where it is, too. I can't exactly close my eyes for this sort of thing. But I'm not too important."

I laughed aloud, shrugging, "It's alright. As long as you promise not to tell anyone."

"Deal," the man nodded. "Now... I'm not putting this in a highly intimate place, correct?"

My eyes widened in horror, "People do that?"

"You'd be surprised what people do," he sighed.

"Oh God, no," I shook my head quickly. "I want it on my lower hip... just below the waistband of my pants, but not too far where everything is revealed."

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin