Chapter 18

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[A/N]: Hallo everyone! I think I'm liking this college stuff. I come to my dorm, do the reading I'm supposed to do, and then I'm home free to do whatever I want. No chores or anything xD Plus they have really good soft serve ice cream. ANYWHO THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO PhilxDan FOR WRITING AND PERFORMING THE SONG IN THE YOUTUBE VIDEO OVER ON THE SIDE IT'S BRILLIANT AND SHES FANTASTIC GO LOOK NAO.

[Chris' P.O.V] (:D)

I woke up alone in bed, stretching before I rolled out from under the covers and shrugged on some pants and a t-shirt. My voice was gravely and hoarse as I peered down the hall sleepily, "Zayn, love?"

When he didn't respond, I walked down the long hall and down the stairs, wandering around through the living room, dining room, and kitchen before frowning and retreating back up the steps. I finally found him on the outside balcony of the second floor, standing outside in the cold morning. I frowned, hurrying back down the hall to snatch a blanket from the hall closet and rushed back to the door.

He didn't turn around as I crept out onto the cement with him, walking up behind him and draping the blanket on his shoulders. Between his fingers he balanced a cigarette, the smell of the smoke lingering in the air.

"Zayn..." I sighed, lightly resting my hand on the small of his back. "What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow is Harry's birthday," he mumbled, bringing the cigarette to his lips for another puff.

It all clicked then. Zayn hadn't been back to their flat ever since Fionna's incident. It had nearly been two weeks, and I could still see how obviously he was affected by it. The poor boy had literally thrown out all the strawberries we owned.

"It'll be fine, darling," I tried to assure.

He groaned, pressing a hand over his face, "I work almost everyday with Louis-"

"Today's Sunday, you're not working with him today," I attempted to joke.

"Thankfully... I just almost feel sick every time we're in the same room. He acts like nothing has ever happened and we're still the best of friends and- I almost killed his baby, the sweetest baby girl ever that's practically my niece and-"

His words instantly made my heart sink. I should have known he was still blaming himself, was the only one who had ever blamed himself, "Zayn, darling, no one blames you..."

"I blame me and-" he groaned, taking another drag on his cigarette. "I'm pretty sure I'm losing hair. I'm so stressed."

"I can see that," I murmured, motioning to his cigarette. He knew my opinions on smoking, and although I'd never make him do anything he didn't want to do he had basically quit. He only ever smoked if he was highly stressed.

He moaned, handing the cigarette to me ashamedly, "M'sorry, Chris."

I gently pulled the cigarette from his hands and sloppily put it out against the cold rail, blowing away the ashes before I placed it on the table to grab on the way back in, "Z, baby, you don't need to apologize."

He turned instantly, pressing himself into my chest and shuddering. My hands stroked softly at his hair as I hushed his panting breaths. As I adjusted the blanket around him, he sniffed into my chest, "Because Fionna didn't already hate me before, then I fed her something she's allergic to and she could have died and-"

"She probably doesn't even remember it," I murmured. "I took Harry some medicine for Lucca the other day, and she was rolling around on the floor with Baxter being her happy little self."

"She kissed my cheek," he croaked hoarsely. "When she could finally breathe again? I was standing with Louis and making sure she was okay and she kissed my cheek."

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now