Chapter 10 (mature)

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[A/N]: Sorry it took my ages to update! A friend of mine that I've known for four years (met him on the internet) finally came and visited me! It was a jolly good time, it's too bad we don't live in the same state! ALSO. I think I'm almost out of multimedia? I've got like one left. I think. But I cant put it as the multimedia yet cause I need the senders username xD ALSO D: Unless the fanart has been drawn or it's a picture that has been edited BY YOU... I can't use it D: Like, if it's just a cute cartoon you found, I can't use it as the multimedia cause I'd have to give credit to the original artist, ya feel me? Well anyway, not sure if this A/N was even read but WHATEVS it's chapter time onward.

[Louis' P.O.V]

It was an understatement to say that Harry and I were ecstatic that our unborn baby was okay. Our baby was fine. Our baby boy. The moment we found out I was calling my mother, who had repeatedly texted for updates throughout the week, and I happily told her the good news. She had nearly cried more than both Harry and I, and then I had to hang up to ask Dr. Shell more questions. 

We cleared up that Fionna's cold was more than likely not contagious since she had no fever, and that being around Harry and the baby boy inside him was perfectly alright. Since Fionna was fussy, we went home to inform the other lads of the good news about our little Pumpkin Seed boy. They were thrilled for us, declaring they were going to buy the little guy loads of baby boy things.

Harry and I wanted to shop for clothes ourselves while Harry could still go out in public, so we waited three days for Fionna's sniffles to somewhat go away. I had to work, as well, but on Sunday I was off of work, and Fionna woke us up with happy gurgles. 

"Dahey, dahey, dahey," the squirming baby declared, and I stretched stiffly. I'd been propped up so Fionna could breathe easier and managed to give myself a sore neck.

"Hello, beebee," I cooed, snuggling her close and covering us both up with the comforter. Harry still appeared fast asleep beside us, and I softened my voice. "Did you sleep okay? You were up at midnight and three, but then you were out and haven't woken up since! I bet you're a hungry little Bean." 

"That," she declared, and my head snapped back in surprise. 


"That," she repeated. 

"I think..." I said slowly. "That that is probably baby book worthy." 

"That," she sighed. 

"I'm not entirely sure what that is, but I bet it's nice," I giggled. 

She attempted to roll off of me, grabbing for Harry's shirt and screeching, "That! That!" 

Harry awoke with a slight jump, but he grinned as his eyes fell on Fionna, "Feeling better Dada's Feenna?" 


"Oh," Harry's eyes widened. "Baby book time." 

"That's what I said," I chuckled. 

Fionna's eyes lit up as I said her newly found word, and she looked to me excitedly, grabbing with chubby hands up at me, "That?" 

"That," I assured her, scooping her into my arms and kissing her cheek. 

"Need to pee," Harry announced, wiggling off the bed and petting gently at his small tummy bump. 

I giggled at him, and Fionna and I went to retrieve her baby book so we could wait for Harry on the couch with it. She attempted to grab at the pages, used to being able to touch the pages of the books I normally read to her. Granted, those pages were cardboard and had different textures on them to keep her attention. She surprisingly loved being read to. 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now