Chapter 21

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[A/N]: Dedicated to DanielleRyannX0 for making me that cute fanart in the multimedia.

[Louis' P.O.V]

"Here's your baby boy, Louis," Dr. Shell grinned at me, and I held out my arms in anticipation for my little Elijah. However, instead of a bundle of messy baby, a tiny, furry object was placed in my palms.

"What-" I tried to ask.

"And your other baby boy," Dr. Shell continued. Another furry object was placed in my hands.

I looked to Harry in surprise, finding the boy trying to anxiously crane his neck to look around the curtain to see our baby... babies? I showed him the two furry things in my hands, no bigger than small burritos. The younger lad cooed, "Our kittens..."

"And here's your baby girl," the bald man gently turned me back around to place yet another tiny furry thing in my hands. Instead of a single baby boy, a human baby boy with kitten ears, we had kittens. My heart raced in bewilderment, and I shook my head.

"Lucca, something is... we only have one baby?" I croaked, but Harry made a sound of protest.

"It is okay, my Louis, love babies," he shrugged.

"Lovely, there's like..." I shook my head quickly. "How many kittens are there? We're mainly human, I'm... I'm human, how are our babies coming out kittens?"

"Just take this next little boy, Louis," Dr. Shell rolled his eyes at me, handing me the fourth kitten. They were all beginning to squirm in my hands, they were somehow dry, soft, and fuzzy even though I knew where they'd just came from wasn't, and I was so confused on to where the baby boy I'd seen on the ultrasound had gone. Dr. Shell offered one more kitten out to me. "Five beautiful babies! Three girls and two boys, congrats!"

"So small," Harry cooed.

"This is-" I croaked out, completely at a loss as to what I should do with the kittens in my arms. "This doesn't make sense..."

"Louis..." Harry said softly, and I looked at him to find that he was simply staring at me fondly. "Louis?"

His mouth didn't even move with the words, and then a gentle hand settled on my cheek and-

"Oh!" I gasped, jolting into a sitting position. I no longer held an armful of kittens, and I looked around in bewilderment. "Did I drop our babies?! I-"

"Feenna is in her crib?" Harry offered in confusion, but then he giggled nervously. "Do not have our Elijah yet... getting him out today, remember? It is why you have to wake up!"

"So it was a dream," I gave a startled laugh of relief, wiping my hands across my face.

"Bad dream?" Harry asked, suddenly concerned. The boy wiggled closer, cradling his large tummy with one hand.

"Not necessarily?" I shook my head. "Just strange."

He giggled, "Tell me?"

"Right," I nodded. "So we went to Dr. Shell's for Elijah's delivery, right? And everything went well, everything was fine. We just... didn't have the baby boy I thought we would. We had five kittens instead."

"Five babies?" Harry croaked, and his hand froze where it was rubbing circles on his tummy. "There is not five babies in me though, my tummy would be huge."

"They weren't like... human or hybrid babies, though," I explained. "They were actual kittens. Kittens like Lucy only they were newborn kittens."

The younger boy stared at me for a moment, almost as if he were trying to piece together what I was telling him. And then he giggled, and his giggling turned into full out laughing as he leaned his head against my shoulder, "My Louis... kittens?"

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now