Chapter 28

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[A/N]: Surprisingly I don't have much school work right now, I'm just lazy. That'll probably change really soon though, so... ANYWHO this chapter is dedicated to angel8541 for drawing Niall! In the multimedia! :D 

[Liam P.O.V]

My heart was in my throat, and I was literally seconds away from tears. It'd happened before, Louis'd been taken and driven off to God knows where. Yet this time, he'd gone willingly because they'd taken him and Harry's baby as well. She wasn't even two yet and she'd been taken twice, and Louis didn't want her going alone this time. And unfortunately, the Tomlinson family couldn't seem to catch a break. The entire time Louis was trying to convince the men to take him too I was convinced on tackling him to the ground and dragging him back inside, but Louis would have never forgiven me if I let the men get away with his baby, even if she had Zayn with her. 

I dragged my feet back into the house, wincing at the sound of Harry's panicked voice and Elijah and Baxter crying, "What is happening? Let me out! Niall, Chris, I want out!

As I knocked lightly on the door to Elijah's room, Chris snarled, "Who is it?" 

"Louis?!" Harry screeched. 

"Liam," I croaked. 

Chris opened the door a crack, peeking out and breathing in relief, "Are they gone? Is everyone alright?" 

"I do not get it-" Harry was trying to worm his way up towards the door with a wailing Elijah, his ears flattened, but Chris was blocking the door. 

"They're gone," I replied hoarsely. "But-" 

"Who is gone, where is my Louis?" Harry demanded before calling out. "My Louis, they will not let me out! My Feenna, too, where is my Feenna? She is with my Louis?" 

"She's with Louis and Zayn, yes," I whispered, and Chris' eyes scanned my face before widening. 

"No..." he breathed, and then he was bolting from the room and past me down the hall. "No!" 

Harry finally huffed and scurried past me, whispering soothingly to Elijah, "It is okay, my baby boy, we are going to your Daddy and beebee sister." 

My heart nearly shattered, because he didn't know. Niall hurried over from where he'd been sitting in the rocking chair with Baxter, flinging himself into my arms, "You're okay..." 

"To an extent," I whimpered. 

He pulled back in horror, examining me, "But everyone is okay? You said Fionna was with Louis and Zayn, so- oh God. They're not here though, are they? They took them." 

"What?!" I heard Harry yelp from the living room, and I wrapped my arm around Niall's waist and led him into the living room. Chris had sank down onto the couch, his face buried into his hands. "Where is my Louis and my Feenna? What is wrong?!" 

"Harry," I murmured softly. "Sit down..."

"No," he squeaked, and he pulled a whimpering Elijah closer against him. "Where is my Louis and baby, they are here?"

I ran my hands over my face and felt Niall place his hand supportively on my back, "Harry... you know how Kyle exposed you all?"

Harry's eyes widened, "No... no you are lying!" 

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered, reaching out for him.

"No!" he shook his head frantically, clutching Elijah tightly and pulling away to scurry into the kitchen. "Louis?! Fionna?!" 

"Harry-" I tried, walking to meet him as he came out of the kitchen. 

"No!" he shrieked, cringing under my hand and rushing down the hall. "Did not see them, my baby boy, but- my Louis?! Fionna! Where are you?!" 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now