Chapter 16 (slightly mature)

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[A/N]: Hello everyone! First off, I'd like to thank you for your support on Kitten!Harry's speech, and second, I'd like to apologize for taking ages to update! I'm in my new dorm as we speak. It's cold in here and I love it so much. Classes start Monday, and since I'm only taking 13 credit hours HOPEFULLY I'll still be able to update frequently. And if not, I'll still update as much as I can. < 3 However, grades most come first D: Cause if I fail then I probably won't ever be allowed on a computer again. And I need computers. ANYWAY this chapter is dedicated to CookieMunchingReader for making me the cute multimedia! :D

[Louis' P.O.V]

Harry hardly let me out of his sight for the next few days, and for the first day or two he made me stay in bed while he took care of me. He'd told my mother, of course, for leverage on making me stay in bed. She was furious she hadn't heard about my appendix problem the moment it happened, and I told her that everyone had been a bit too preoccupied to consider who to tell. Harry promised he was taking care of me, and that soothed her. I tried to object to him doing all the work I was perfectly capable of doing, since he was two days away from being six months pregnant and needed to take it easy, yet he still brought me things to eat and drink, keeping me plenty entertained along the way. But by the fourth day I felt fantastic. I was up and moving around, sitting on the floor to play with Fionna, and I was even able to pick up Lucy. Yet when we had to move into our flat on December 10th, I still wasn't quite well enough to move things from our old flat to the new flat.

Harry, Fionna, Lucy and I all went to the Payne's to watch Baxter while our friends moved us in. Poor Maisy had to be shut in Niall and Liam's room since not only Fionna was around, but Lucy didn't favor Maisy either. Baxter toddled around on his own, and Fionna crawled excitedly after him. Harry sat close to me on the couch, clutching my hand in his own as he sighed in contentment.

"You are feeling okay?" he asked, moving his free hand to caress his belly as he looked at me. His face had been a bit puffy for the past few days, and when I'd first noticed it I had panicked, calling Dr. Shell to make sure he wasn't working too hard. However, Dr. Shell informed me that it happened in a lot of pregnancies, and that Harry would be completely fine.

"I've felt fine for the past four days, Kitten," I chuckled.

"Yes, but..." he huffed, squirming a bit. "Said you were fine last time. And then..."

I leaned and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, "I'm fine... not in any pain at all."

"Promise?" he bit his lower lip, eyes examining me.

"Pinky promise," I nodded, smiling softly down at his swollen tummy. How's our little baby boy?"

"Think he is sleepy today," Harry hummed happily. "Is usually squirmy when it is food time, but today he was not. Have been spending a lot of time with his Daddy though. Maybe it is why he is so still. Like our Feenna Bean. Would get so still when you would talk..."

Fionna must have heard her name, because she came crawling happily towards us, "Dahey, Dahey!"

"Yes, my little Kitten?" I chuckled, reaching to steady her as she pulled herself into a standing position on my pants. The tiny girl could stand without a problem, but when it came to moving her feet, she would topple right over unless someone held onto her hands.

Harry hummed, rubbing his tummy softly still, "Daddy still can not pick you up, little beebee... soon, though."

"Are you ready to see our new flat, Feenna?" I cooed to her, smoothing down her curls and arranging them around her kitten ears.

"No," she told me happily, moving to put her forehead against my knee.

"You silly beebee," I giggled.

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now