Chapter 16

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Amanda's POV

My eyes flutter open to a bright sun in my face. I slowly lift my sore body up and look around slowly. I hear a groan under me and I look down to see David rubbing his head.

"Alesha, babe what did we do last night?" He asks his eyes still closed.

'He really does love her.' I think to myself.

"It's Amanda David. And if you open your eyes I think I can tell you what happened." I say softly while playing with his hair.

He slowly opens his eyes and stretches out until he hits the car door. "OW." He says while pulling his hand to his chest.

I pull it up to my lips and kiss it and then lean down making David concentrate on me. "I think we did something we are not supposed to do last night." I say softly.

He looks at me and then starts laughing. "What's so funny David?" I ask sternly.

"I already knew that. I mean you have my shirt on." He says, pointing at me. 

I look down at myself and realize I am in his shirt. I lightly punch his arm and then realization hits me again that I just cheated on Simon and David on Alesha. I start crying and then also remember that we didn't use a condom. I cry harder and David pulls me into his body. "What's wrong darling?" He whispers.

"David, we didn't use a condom. I could get pregnant!" I say.

"So, take the morning after pill." He says softly.

"Hell no! That's almost the same as abortion!" I yell at him.

"Well then you can tell Simon that your pregnant with my child!" He yells back.

"Fine! I will!" I scream while getting my clothes and putting them on. I throw his stuff at him and get out of the car. I storm off and find a taxi and go home.

Simon's POV

I wake up to the sound of crying and a pair of hands rubbing my arm. I open my eyes and see Alesha who looks terrible. I slowly grab her and pull her into my chest and whispering sweet things in her ear.  Once she's done I speak.

"What's the problem?" 

"David and Amanda had sex last night." She sniffles.

"How do you know that?" I asked nervously.

"Because, I just got off the phone with Amanda and she was crying really hard and said she might be pregnant. She also said David wanted her to take the pill and not tell anyone." She cries out.

My face heats up and an anger rises in me. I hear the door open and there is David with an upset look. The next thing I do makes Alesha scream at me.


Short buuuuut yall have been waiting for an update

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