My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Eight

Start from the beginning

          "Kate, are you alright?" Alex came forward to help me up, but at that moment my legs refused to stand. I was petrified. I know Drake is not a monster, but I'm just down right afraid of him right now. "Hey, just calm down."

          "I-I can't." I stammered as I stared at Drake in horror. He's walking towards us. Here he comes...

          "Please Kate, I won't hurt you, I promise." Drake pleaded. "Well, Alex can stay, so he can punch me if I do or say anything stupid."

          "Just remember that you're the one who said that." said Alex.

          "Right..." Drake sighed silently as I got up on my two feet, standing behind Alex. "I'm sorry."

          "Apology not accepted." I said sternly.

          "Please, I'm really, really sorry. I know that I looked like a monster or some drunken douche, but seriously, I am really, really sorry. I mean, I can't show you how sorry I am."

          "You said sorry to me the last time, I gave you another chance. That was a foolish mistake."

          "C'mon Kate, please don't be like this..."

          "No, Drake." I swallowed. "It's over. It's all over. I can't give you another chance. Just stop trying, and leave me alone."


          "We're not meant for each other, just accept that. I don't want to waste your time or mine, we're through. You accept your temper, you lose me. We're done." I said, feeling a deep sense of pain and hurt. I liked Drake, I trusted him, I really do, but this time it's too much.

          We just stood there for what felt like a minute or two, none of us moving a muscle. It felt horrible, awful, and it's not a feeling that you'd want to have ever again. But I'm doing the right thing. This is what I'm supposed to do, no matter how uneasy it is.

          "Goodbye, Drake." I muttered my last words, turned my heel and left.

                                                *        *        *

-Alex's P.O.V-

The final bell rang, finally though. School had ended rather slowly today. It was a boring day. Ryan was absent, I think I heard someone saying that he went to the hospital with Carolanne to visit her dad. Honestly, are they even an official couple? None of them made it clear to any of us, so I can only keep guessing and assuming that yes, they are.

          So anyway, a miracle happened today. Natalie wasn't blabbering about how her day was during class (Amen!), instead she's actually reading a book. Well, not studying, just a book, a novel. Honestly, I think the biggest miracle is her leg wasn't broken when she rolled down that stairs. She's limping a little bit, but she's recovering quite quickly, faster than I expected. That kind of made me feel better, since I'm partly to blamed for that incident.

         When Kate and I reached home, I can't help but think about how Kate must've felt. Well, she can either be sad or happy, and both goes a long way.

          "Okay, it looks like Miranda isn't coming home for dinner tonight." She said. "Err, so..."

          "So?" I looked at her. "You wanna heat something up or go out for dinner or..."

          "Alright, I guess going out for once shouldn't be too bad." She beamed at me.

          "Just the two of us?" I stared.

          "Uh, yeah. Why? Did you plan on inviting anyone else?"

          "No, I mean, you never liked being seen with me alone, in public." I said carefully.

          "It's been half a year Alex, people get over and get use to things." She said like it was so obvious. "I guess as long as you're living in this house I have to adjust myself, right?"

          That's something that I never expected her to say.

          "I guess." I shrugged lamely.

          "Good." She said.

          "Well, good." I responded.

          "I'll see you at seven."

          "Dude, that totally sounded like a date." I chuckled.

          "Don't start with me." She warned and walked up the stairs.

          I watched as she slowly disappeared from sight. I guess her feelings towards me has changed. Uh, not those feelings, as in feelings, like impressions. Yeah, impression is the right word. Let's just hope this isn't temporary, because frankly speaking, I kind of like how it is right now.

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