Chapter 125

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Just three more chapters left of this one. I'll be starting the rough draft of the sequel tomorrow. 

Here's another song. Move by saintmotel. Find it on Soundcloud. At the end of this story, I'll link you to the Otkro playlist, actually. 

Alina Larionova could hardly believe the words she was seeing on her computer screen.

It was an e-mail from Taras Pokrovskii, short and terse like usual, but it wasn't how the message was written that surprised her. It was what Taras had actually written. 

My dear President Larionova: 

Here's the latest news regarding Galkin, Takaryev, and Kirillov. Kirillov was sent to Galkin's house earlier, but Galkin killed him. We believe Takaryev has sustained a gunshot wound to his shoulder. But Galkin and Takaryev are both still alive, and therefore my mission has failed. I apologize. 


Alina stared breathlessly at the e-mail. Ravil was alive. Her son was alive. Joy welled up in her chest, ballooning up to her head. She'd never again regain Ravil's trust, and would probably never have another conversation with him ever again, but at least he was alive. 

Her son was alive. That's all that really mattered to her. This meant that she hadn't sent him to his death when she'd put him in Russia's spy program. This meant that Myron's mission to kill his own son had failed. 

She took a deep breath, a slight smile gracing her face for the first time in what felt like an eternity. 

Her son was alive.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now