Chapter 34

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Artem slept on the couch that night. He woke up a little after midnight and almost rolled off the couch, then spotted Ravil standing at the kitchen table eating Soya bars. 

"Ravil...what are you doing?" Artem asked, sitting up on the couch. 

"Trying to remember," Ravil said through a mouthful of Soya bars. He crinkled a wrapper between his thumb and index finger. 

"Do you know how many calories are in those things?" Artem asked, half-yawning. 

"No, not really." Ravil answered.

"Well, is it working?" Artem queried. 

"Not yet." Ravil said, turning to the fridge for a glass of water, which he drank in one gulp.

"Mm. Come here. Now that you've got all that sugar in your system, it'll take you forever to get back to sleep again. We can watch TV until you do, though." Artem offered.

Ravil walked over to the couch and plopped down next to Artem, laying his head on Artem's chest. Artem draped an arm across Ravil's shoulders.

An hour later, Ravil fell asleep like that. Artem didn't mind.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now