Chapter 43

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I'm typing this with my phone so let's just hope that autocorrect doesn't screw me over, da?

Also remind me to look up El Pico by Ratatat later. Thanks. Here we go.

"Hey, Artem?" Ravil asked the next day. It was about noon.

"Hmm?" Artem's voice was rough and quivering, an obvious indicator that the stomach bug still lurked (not to mention Artem's pale face and slightly clammy hands).

"I've got the Tylenol set out on the counter for you to take if you need it, there's Sprite in the fridge to ease your gut, and I can make some soup for you if you want it." Ravil answered.

"Alright. Thanks, Ravil. I really appreciate it." Artem said. "I think it's starting to go away now, thanks to your care."

"It's no problem." Ravil replied, trying his best to push the previous night's murder out of his mind. That was the last thing he needed to be thinking about, especially when Artem knew nothing about it.

It's not my fault. Ravil reminded himself.

"I should be asking about you," Artem asked, tearing Ravil from the realm of thought. "Have you had any more flashbacks? Is everything okay?"

"I'm good. Haven't had any flashbacks since that one I had last week. Thanks."

Artem coughed. "I love you, Ravil. Don't forget it."

"I won't," Ravil replied. "I love you too, Artem."

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now