Chapter 68

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Everett pulled Artem out of the control center to talk. The entire conversation was in Russian. 

"The guy you saw on that screen, Everett- he's not some number or vague enemy. He's the person I love more than anything on this earth." Artem said. "Do you understand that?" 

"Yes." Everett said. 

"Do you really?" Artem challenged. "I want him back- no, I need him back. I love him. He isn't the monster you just saw. He's more than that, I promise you, and I swear, I'd do anything just to have him back." 

"We're going to get him back, Artem. I promise." 

Artem's blue eyes swam with tears. He raised his hand to wipe away a few that were beading in the corners of his eye, sniffling before saying: "Then I want to hear your plans. Put me in every meeting and every conference. I want proof that you're going to get him back to me. I mean no disrespect by this, Everett, but my worst and deepest fear is that America's systems are all talk and no action. Don't let that fear get confirmed. Please." 

"I know how you feel, Artem." Everett tried to negotiate, however he was quite unsure of how to navigate the situation. "And I'll do everything I can. But you do understand that I can't guarantee Ravil's return?" 

"If you can't guarantee it, I'll guarantee it on my own." Artem barked. "Does your organization realize that they're dealing with real people? Everyone here seems to think of other people as if they're just numbers in a system. Ravil is a person. He is my other half. I moved here so I could be with him, hold his hand as we walk down the street, without fear, without having to worry about being tossed into jail, do you understand that? I fought like hell to get here, to be with him. Do you believe I won't do that again? Because if you do, you're terribly wrong, and headed for a very rude awakening! Understood?" 

"I'll do my best," Everett attempted to promise. 

"If you don't, I will."" Artem growled. He pivoted around on his heels and walked right out of headquarters, hopping into the Land Cruiser and driving home.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now