Chapter 123

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Artem's eyes lit up as Ravil was ushered into the hospital room by four SWAT officers. The officers uttered not a word, but that didn't mean Ravil couldn't strike up a conversation with Artem.  

"Hey, how are you?" Ravil asked. "You okay?" 

Artem glanced nervously at the SWAT officers. "I'm fine. Bullet's out, but it's still bleeding a bit. I'm sorry they stormed you like that. I wish they hadn't. Did you get the servers running again?" 

"Yeah." Ravil said. "They're up. I'm on probation, they told me. Most of all, though, I'm glad you're alright." 

"Me too," Artem replied. "Who was the guy that...that was shooting at us?" 

"Nazar Kirillov. He was in the blacksite with me." Ravil explained. "They sent him out to make sure I killed you, and when I didn't, he was supposed to kill both of us. I couldn't let that happen." 

"Is he dead?" Artem asked, his voice cracking with weariness. 

"Think so," Ravil answered. "Shot him in the throat." He glanced over at the SWAT officers. "Self-defense, you know." 

There was no response from the officers. Ravil hadn't really expected one, though. 

"When are you getting discharged?" Ravil queried. 

"Three days," Artem replied. 

"Fair enough," Ravil answered. 

"I've still got two million dollars in the bank," Artem said. "We should buy a new house, move someplace else so Russia can't find us." 

"I'm perfectly fine with that," Ravil agreed. "What about getting jobs?" 

Artem's mind flew back to his resignation form. Yeah, he was done with the FBI. He'd submit that form for real as soon as he got out of the hospital. "We could work for an IT company. Network security." He gave a smile. 

"Fitting," Ravil chuckled. "I love you."

"Love you too." Artem grinned.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now