Chapter 107

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Ravil woke up crying in the middle of the night. Immediately, Artem was up too, by his side. 

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Artem asked. 

Ravil looked at him with teary green eyes. "I had a nightmare that I killed you. Your brains s-splattered all over the wall, and, and-"

Artem hugged him. "Shh. It's okay, I'm here. You didn't kill me." 

"But what if I snap again?" Ravil asked, wiping his face with his shirt sleeve. 

"You won't. I'll make sure you won't." Artem assured him. 

"I'm scared," Ravil's voice shook. 

"You don't have to be," Artem replied. "I won't let anything get to you." 

Ravil eased into Artem's arms and pressed his face into his chest. "You promise?" 

"Yes, with all my heart, Ravil." Artem promised. "You're my whole world."

"I love you, Artem." Ravil said, closing his eyes. 

"I love you too." Artem said. 

They exchanged a kiss, then curled back up on the couch and fell asleep.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now