Chapter 56

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Ravil finally finished his code, and was now sitting at the computer, head in his hands, struggling to keep awake. 

The door creaked open behind him, and he froze, chills traversing down his spine. 

"Evening, Ravil." 

Ravil said nothing in reply. 

"You're almost done here. We're giving you Internet access for ten minutes so you can get that virus onto the Department's systems. Get to it." 

The door closed again, and Ravil was alone. He opened Internet Explorer, then refreshed it just to make sure he wasn't being messed with. He loaded Google. 

Running a hand through his light brown hair, he tried to gather his thoughts. 

Break up your IP packets, attach them to legit emails. Reassemble on the other end. Slide them the virus I wrote, packaged along with a keylogger. Ensure that they both look like normal system processes so they get run. 

He took a deep breath and got to work. 


After infiltrating the Department's systems, Ravil opened an e-mail client and tried to write a message to Artem. 

In a blacksite. Don't know where it is, but they've got tabs on us. Stay safe, stay anon. Will try to escape and get back to you. Can't promise anything. I love you. 


He stayed awake just long enough to send the message and turn the computer off. Seconds after, the world went dark and he passed out.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now