Chapter 53

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The next time Ravil opened his eyes, he found himself in a tiny room occupied by a table, chair, and computer. The table and chair, upon further inspection, were both bolted to the floor. The computer was wired into the wall, and any outlets were hidden behind the table.

Naturally, Ravil sat down in front of the computer. It would be his only hope if he wanted to find anything out about this cursed place.

He booted the computer up and was greeted by the all-too-pleasant intro screen of Windows 95. He facepalmed. 

"Come on. If you're gonna throw me into a blacksite, you could get me Windows 10 at the least!" Ravil muttered. "Now, Windows 7 or Linux might be a stretch, but 95? Come on!" 

Deeply disappointed, he opened Internet Explorer, which sucked, but was his only option. After waiting five minutes for it to load, he found that he had no Internet connection. Groaning inwardly, he attempted to run an F5 on the blasted thing. Still, no connection. He gave it one last try, but still achieved no favorable results. He scratched Google off of his mental list of possibilities, closed Internet Explorer, and took a moment to slam his face right onto the keyboard in utter frustration. 

He spent the next hour searching the files on the computer for any possible clue to where he was, the level of his vexation heightening as he kept coming up empty-handed.

"Well," he muttered to himself, "Guess I'm stuck with finishing that blasted code." He sighed and opened the pre-installed code editor, where his captors had been so courteous as to copy and paste the code he'd already written, so he could pick up right where he left off. 

Seeing as how it was his only option, he got to work.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now