Chapter 81

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Thing 1 spoke into his earpiece. "He ran, but no matter. We'll let him run. There's no way he's gonna make it to the city without giving out. He can't get that far- and besides, we've got drones on him. Let him tire out a bit so he can't escape. Then, by all means, go after him. You probably won't even have to chase him." 

"Is Marco recovered?" A voice answered, crackling back through the earpiece. 

Thing 1 glanced over at Marco, who stood in the corner of the room, eyes squeezed shut, hands pressed to the sides of his head. 

"No," said Thing 1. "We believe he has a concussion." 

"That devil Galkin!" came the reply. "What if he attacks us?" 

"Fight back," Thing 1 said. "Knock him out and carry him back. Just don't kill him." 


"Well, he should be tired now. Go on." Thing 1 smirked.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now