Chapter 31

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Artem left his house for an hour to get groceries. 

He came back to find all the house's windows open. Not to mention, someone had been so kind as to leave a raw chicken on the kitchen counter.

"God, it's probably radioactive," Artem muttered, standing at the door. His feet felt stuck, and a nervous tremor racked his body, chilling him. "And I'd better hope they didn't find that SIM card..."

He dropped the groceries and walked, as calmly as possible, upstairs to his bedroom, where he found a bag of Soya bars on his bed. He cursed, turning to his computer. 

He tried to boot it. Success. It seemed as if no one had tampered with it, that is, until he found an open tab in his web browser. 

The page appeared to be just plain, backbone HTML, but that was the least of Artem's worries. The message on the screen was what really scared him. 

He read the dark gray text. "You have no idea what you're getting into," it said. 

Artem took a step back. "Yep, I think it's about time I destroy my hard drive."

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now