Chapter 76

15 0 5

Read count on this just jumped from like 685 to 706. I don't get it???

Ravil almost didn't believe it when Marco strode into the cell. Immediately, Ravil leapt after him, grabbing him by the collar of his trenchcoat and slamming him into the wall, much like he'd done to Thing 2. 

Fear flashed in Marco's brown eyes for a moment, but didn't last long before Ravil had landed multiple punches to his former psychiatrist's temple.

Ravil watched in satisfaction as Marco's eyes rolled back into his head. He let him slump to the white tile floor, then turned around. 

Nazar stood a few feet behind him, his gray gaze a mix of terror and anger. "What the hell are you doing?" 

"Getting out of here!" Ravil barked back. He stole Marco's gun and a few clips of ammo, then opened the cell door and left before Nazar could say anything more. 

Ravil shut the door behind him and snuck along the wall, listening for any guards. When he heard nothing, he darted across the hall, dismantled a security camera to the best of his ability, then disappeared into the stairwell. 

He took a moment, and a deep breath. Once he had collected himself, he began making his way up the stairs. He stopped at the top of the staircase, waiting by the door, listening out for any other guards. When he believed it was safe to proceed, he opened the door and took a few steps down the hallway that greeted him. 

The hallway wasn't the only thing that greeted him. A guard, in trenchcoat and mask, rushed at him. Without a second thought, Ravil pulled the trigger. The guard fell dead at his feet, crimson blood pooling at his head. Ravil smiled grimly.

Props to Marco for putting a silencer on this gun. 

Ravil stepped past the guard and into the nearest room, where he was lucky enough to find a decent computer. He shot the goon who was sitting in front of it, pushed the corpse into the floor, then locked the door and took control of the computer. With a few clicks, he shut off the security systems, including all the cameras, and loaded a map of the building. His green eyes scanned the screen, locating the room he was currently in, and then the exit, which seemed to be some sort of tunnel that slowly sloped upward until it arrived at an opening in the ground. 

He tried his best to quickly memorize the map, then ran for it, desperately hoping his mind would help his feet find the exit. 

He finally found a sign clearly marked "EXIT," nailed above another heavy metal door. He slowly opened the door, eyeing the guards standing on the other side for a moment before shooting them, too. 

Then he ran like hell, the soles of his shoes hitting the ground with a noise that echoed, bouncing off the walls of the tunnel. He ran, refusing to relent even though his lungs screamed for air and his legs were beginning to protest. He ran until he arrived at the doors that, once opened, would pour holy sunlight onto his face and welcome him back onto the earth.

He heaved open the door, stepping outside. Instead of sunlight, he was greeted by a tranquil night sky. The moon in all its silver gleaming glory seemed to smile down at him. 

He didn't have much time to stare at the skies before he heard shouts and gunfire break out behind him. He let the door shut, muffling the noise, and then he was running again, green gaze set on the lights of skyscrapers he saw sitting on the horizon.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu