Chapter 15

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Artem spent the night searching again. He scanned countless government servers for Ravil's name. 

Ravil Waronov. 

He found a few e-mails from Prime Minister Larionova, addressed to some guy named Myron. But they mentioned only Ravil's first name, and not the right last name. They were calling him Ravil Galkin. 

"Kakogo cherta?" Artem muttered, blinking. "Galkin?" 

He scrolled down and looked at some more e-mails. "But his last name is Waronov. I don't get it. What did they do?" 

He shuddered and closed his eyes. But as he closed him, he saw not darkness, but a vision of himself, being handcuffed and dragged away by the FIS. His eyes flew open. 

I can't help Ravil if they haul me off to jail. 

He saved what he could, cleared his cache, and changed SIM cards yet again, trying his best to morph back into a perfect citizen.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now