Chapter 100

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Artem sent a text message to Urvi. It said simply: If you can't get Ravil back, I'm quitting. 

It was a naive request, but he didn't care. 

Her reply arrived: I'm doing all I can, Takaryev. They did a second sweep, and found nothing but corpses- and none of them belonged to Ravil. CDC just confirmed that the SWAT guys who went in the second time all have polonium poisoning, so we can't really go back in, and even if Ravil was there, he'd be dead by now. I'm sorry.

Artem sighed and shut off the Blackberry, convinced he'd never be normal again. He just wanted Ravil, and knowing that his absence and possibly even his death could've been all Artem's fault was frankly sickening. All he'd ever wanted was the best for Ravil.

And he'd failed. 

He decided to send his resignation in tomorrow. He'd take it right to Urvi's desk.

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now