Chapter 58

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Everett briefed Artem on the "situation." By the time the rambling exposition had come to an end, Artem knew the following:

Ravil was a sleeper agent planted by Russia. Ravil was also not the only sleeper agent. The FBI had found evidence of hundreds more. The FBI knew something was terribly wrong with this, and feared there would be a problem- maybe even a war- if it was left to develop. 

Everett met Artem's gaze, and cracked a smile. "Well. You're so close to Ravil, maybe you could help us."

"What would this entail, exactly?" Artem asked, a bit tentatively.

"You find clues as to what's really going on here, give them to us, and we pay you." Everett replied. "Of course, it's vital that you don't tell Ravil you've got this job, and keep him from finding out, but other than that..." 

"Can you promise me one thing?" Artem asked.

"What's that, son?" 

"You'll protect Ravil and not get him killed in a false flag or an assassination attempt. Russia does that crap all the time, and I'm not so sure that I trust the American government with my boyfriend's life." Artem replied. "No disrespect, sir. But I'm only taking this 'job' if you promise me that Ravil will be kept safe. There's not an evil bone in his body, and it's not his fault that Russia chose him, of all people." 

Everett held out his hand. "Of course." 

Artem didn't budge. "I don't trust you enough to shake on this yet. Again, no disrespect. But I need documentation. I want to make sure that this is real and that there are no loopholes in the contracts and promises." 

"Understood, Mr. Takaryev," Everett replied. "I'll be back tomorrow, say- maybe noon? - to bring by the contracts and documents. Is noon okay with you?" 

Artem nodded. 

"See you then, Mr. Takaryev." Everett said, revealing a small white business card. "By the way, here's my card. I appreciate your time." 

"Yeah." Artem said, warily taking the card. He didn't know what to think, so instead, he just stared while Everett walked right out of the front door, leaving and going back the way he'd arrived. 

Is he asking me to spy on my boyfriend? 

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now