Chapter 113

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Decided today that this story IS going to have a sequel. Thanks to Andrew for helping me figure out the plot for it. 

After mulling over Alina Larionova for the rest of the day, Ravil decided he'd like some closure, although he knew well he'd probably never find it. 

He wished he could just have an hour to ask his biological mother some questions. Why did she have to keep him closed up in the Kremlin? Why wasn't he supposed to exist? Why did she just give him over to the FSB's spy program? Why had she so quickly denied him a normal life? Why had she allowed the FSB to torture him all those years?

Those questions, and a legion of others, floated about in his head and threatened to stay there forever, bitterly whispering and nagging him, taking the past and blurring it with the present, mocking him with the fact that he'd probably never uncover some solid closure on the matter. 

He'd never be sure of the truth. Instead, he'd be left to wonder endlessly about his biological parents, and their motives in hiding him away in the Kremlin for ten years before shoving him so eagerly into Russia's dark, mysterious spy program. He was angry about that, sure, but resolved that he'd never act on it- he couldn't risk getting himself hurt or killed, especially when he had to take care of Artem. What kind of lover ran off, carelessly leaping and dancing their way right into harm's reach, with no regard for the person with whom they were in love? Ravil didn't want to live that kind of live. Like Artem had said earlier, it wouldn't be hurting Larionova. He'd only be hurting himself and Artem. And frankly, that was just selfish. 

Ravil supposed he was alright with never receiving closure. As long as it meant he would be able to continue living a happy life with Artem by his side, he was fine. 

They were undoubtedly in love, and deeply at that. 

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now