A Poem for Panam

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this probably won't make any sence but it's kinda like a preview to another thing I'm working on.

Cover of the book I"m hoping to make with it ---->

Song it's based on ---->


A forest, a jungle, a vast mountain range,

Dragons survey their domains

And fly through the sky.

The jungle isn't somewhere

To venture alone,

If you don't want any danger then you should go home.

The beast lions prowl in the forest so dark

The lilybugs chew on soft tree bark.

And high in the mountains is the stonewatcher's abode,

Brooding and storming, in the lava pits they call home.

The Maunstrum warriors gather in jungles so far,

Waiting for the enemies to call them to war.

The dreamers so rare only see it by day,

When the twin suns set they must go away.

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