My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

          Man, I feel so childish right now. I was relieved to know that Alex wasn't following me. Like, seriously, the last thing that I need right now is for a guy to follow me around saying that I'm jealous over and over again.

          I still had an extra five minutes before the next class starts. I'm quite relieved to know that because I need a break from all that drama earlier. OKAY, fine, so maybe all that drama happened because of me. Yeah, yeah, I get it, I shouldn't have whacked the guy but I needed to. I just needed to because thanks to him I couldn't concentrate in class, and those sixty minutes felt like sixty hours.

          "Hello Kate." Drake popped out of no where. At least I wasn't frightened or anything.

          "Oh, hello." I beamed while feeling quite relieved to see him. "Man am I glad to see you."

          "Hmm, right." He muttered. "So uh, what were you and Alex talking about?"

          "Nothing, just some weird stuff, you don't wanna know." I shrugged, determined to get this topic over with. I really just wanna talk about him or me, or this relationship, or something more interesting. I just don't feel like talking about Alex right now.

          It's weird though. I find it totally uncomfortable to mention Alex in front of Drake. Drake told me before many times about how much he dislikes him, although come to think of it I think the reason is kind of unreasonable, because he assumed that he's flirting with Natalie when it's the other way round.

          I used to be on the same page with him. I used to dislike Alex a lot, but's not that I like him, I just don't dislike him anymore. I guess it's in the border line? Whatever.

          "Well, maybe I do." He said instead.

          "No, trust me Drake, you don't. The conversations that I have with Alex are insanely weird and hard to comprehend. You just won't get it." I laughed slightly at how silly that sounds.

          "Oh, so you're saying that you and Alex have some kinda, special conversation?" he raised a suspicious brow at me.

          "It's not special, it's weird. I just don't want you to see me weird." I frowned.

          Just when I thought that the conversation was ending, Drake had suddenly asked one of those questions that I was hoping he would never ask...or realize.

          "Hey, you're wearing a necklace?"

          "Uh...yep!" I stammered. Please don't ask anything else.

          "Where'd you get it from?"

          Crap, how am I supposed to answer him now? Am I supposed to lie? I can't lie, I suck at lying. If I lie, he'll find out and then I'll get into more trouble than telling him the truth. He is so going to explode once he hears this.

          "'s a Christmas gift from a friend." I said. Well, that's not lying right?

          "Which friend? Do I know her?"


          "Him?" he stared. "A guy gave that to you? Which guy? Alex?!" he exploded suddenly.

         "It was just a gift Drake! There's no harm at receiving gifts from other guy friends, right?"

          "Alex is not just some 'guy friend'. Why are you so close to him?! I thought we made it clear that we don't like him!"

          "But that's not the point! He's my housemate, of course I'm close to him, and, well, he changed! He's not that much of a jerk anymore, I can't dislike him like how I used to, okay?" I said frustratingly. Why must Drake always create a scene just because of Alex? Why?

          "You like him now?!" Drake got angrier. Okay, this is not working out like how I wanted it to be.

          "Drake, would you please just listen-"

          "No, I've heard enough!" he snapped. "Listen to me Kate, I don't want to see you anywhere near Alex anymore. That guy's a total douche! He's an idiot, and obviously just some guy who is taking advantage of his identity! From this day onwards, you have nothing to do with him!"


          "And take that necklace off!" Drake was so mad that he literally forced the necklace away from my neck and broke it.

          "Drake!" I screamed as I watch him throw it away. I can't believe this. This is insane. I can't believe this is happening to me.

          Drake had stormed off immediately after getting rid of the necklace. Suddenly I felt afraid. I was terrified. I felt myself trembling, yet feeling paralyzed at the same time. I didn't know what to do, I just didn't and couldn't believe that it really happened.

          Tears started streaming down my face. This is real, this isn't a nightmare. I'm not asleep, this is reality. I couldn't cope with it all.

          "Kate!" Delaney came rushing over. "Oh my gosh, Kate! Are you okay?? No, don't cry..."

          I wish I could.

          What am I supposed to do now?

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