Sentenced to Hell (A Girl going to an all Guys boarding school)

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Ok I'm so sorry i havent uploaded this earlier and i kno it may not be the best but i have been very busy and i just wanted this 2 be out so comment and vote!!!

luv ya guy's and thanks for commenting on the 1st chap i was happy to know you liked it.

I can't believe it! I'm going to my fn dad's "precious school" and you know what makes it even better I'm leaving today!!!!! "JADE! Hurry up you have ten minuets!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I can't believe she can drop that shit on me in one day and then expect me to get ready and go! I ran around my room getting all me necessities such as my laptop, cellphone, and of course my ipod. I made sure I had packed pretty much my whole closet so I wouldn't miss anything too much, and because I knew it would probably make my mom mad. I got the rest of my stuff together and trudged outside to find a HUGE limo waiting and let me tell ya it was niceee. "Uh whoa," I said in astonishment. "Yeah, it sure is nice," my mom said goggling at the expensiveness of it all. I started to move my stuff towards the car when the chauffeur popped out and took my bags for me. "Oh thank you," I said with a smile as he lifted my heavy bags into the car. I now felt bad I saw the poor man wince as he picked it up. I quickly picked up the next bag and put it in for him if the weight of the last one made him wince i was scared to see what would happen if he lifted this one. "Thank you madam," He said very politely as he tipped his hat to me. Why couldn't more guys be like that only younger, now they were mostly just asses. I smiled back and turned around to say goodbye to my mom when i saw her crying. "Mom?" I asked uncertainly. She never cried she was always the strong one it hurt to see her cry. "It's ok hun it's just hard to see you go," she cried. I ran over and gave her a huge hug and mumbled apology's and said I really didn't need to go. "It's ok hun, and yes you really do need to go. You need to see your father it's been to long," she said blankly trying to block all emotion out of her voice. "Some father," I muttered to quietly for my mom or so I thought. "It's not his fault he has an important job Jade," my mom said more sternly. "I'm sorry madam but we must be off the flight will be leaving soon," the chauffeur said timidly. "Good bye mom. See you soon, hopefully," I said sadly as I walked up to the limo. The chauffeur opened the door and I got in.

Sentenced to Hell. (A Girl Going to an All Guys Boarding school)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon