I run over to Axel and hide behind him hoping that Kadaj hasn’t seen me yet. I peek over his shoulder and Kadaj is staring at us with amazement written all over his face. I guess I was too slow to hide it.

I walk out from behind Axel, and over to Kadaj, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I’ve been with you this whole time.” He doesn’t say anything. He seems like he’s frozen, which I take as a bad sign. “I understand if you hate me, I just didn-” He takes a step forward and squeezes me in his arms.

“I’m just glad you’re not under that freaks control.” He let’s me back away so he can look me in the eyes. “I do hate you though. At least a little bit.”

“Yeah I can understand that.”

“Party times over.” The dragon rumbles as he lands right next to Axel, who scurries over to our side. “It’s time to get down to business. It’s finally time for all of this to end!” He blasts himself towards us, and we all scatter causing him to crash into the wall. The bricks fall out and fall into the grass on the other side. We all get to our feet as he turns to attack once more. I move forward and hold hand out to my side.

I conduct electricity, and let it form itself into a weapon, “Well come and get me.” 

He narrows his eyes and charges towards me and I do the same. I’m screaming my head off, and he’s roaring and we both head towards each other. At the last minute though I sprout my wings and head straight through the ceiling. The wood crumbles around me, and I know the great beast is following me because once I hit the cold atmosphere, I can hear the rest of the ceiling tear apart. 

I stop and hover as I wait for him to catch up. Against the setting sun, the luster of his scales is intense. They also make it obvious that he has tears in his leather wings making it hard for him to steady himself.

“Are you ready to die?” He snaps at me, but I keep a straight face. There’s nothing he can say to frighten me now. He curves his lips in attempt to grin, but it doesn’t work out as well.

“Not before you do.” I say thrusting my wings back so I torpedo towards him with the sword poised to stab. He can’t move fast enough and the sword finds it’s way into his side. I can hear a clash from his scales, but it still makes it through and I make sure of it. He cries out, and turns around to swat me with his giant talons sending me flying down towards the tower.

I slam into the ground with loose wood coming down with me and landing on my back, “Skylar are you okay!” Axel starts to run towards me, and Kadaj follows close behind him. He bends down and brushes off the splinters of wood.

“No this is between her and I!” Christopher shouts as he barges back into the room and bats Axel against the wall.  Kadaj just stands there frozen. The dragon stalks him as he moves backward cautiously and over to Axel. I take the advantage of this and remove the sword from his side and roll across the floor to the guys.

“Is he alright?” I question as I reach down and touch his forehead. 

“He should be, just knocked out.” I nod and stand to go back and face the dragon. “Hey Skylar?”

I turn back to se Kadaj standing as well, “Yeah?”

“Just be safe alright? Don’t get too banged up.” I give him an assuring smile, letting him know that I’ll do my best, but then I’m ripped from the ground by my hair. I’m swiveled around to stare into the face of a horrid beast.

“Focus on the real issue here.” He mutters with his monstrous voice. 

“You may be tuff now, but just wait until I rip you inside from your lifeless limp body.”

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