Chap. 9: Skylar

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We start to make our way back to the camp. I trudge a few feet behind the other two purposely keeping my distance. My mind’s blank; I’m pretty much a walking nothingness. I just blindly follow in their path. I feel like a monster right now because I killed a living being. People do it every day, but I just can’t live with myself knowing that I did.

I trip over a tree root, causing me to fall to my knees. They sting in pain, but I ignore it and continue to stare into space. Axel or Alice, I’m not really sure who, walks over and helps me back to my feet. 

“We’re almost there, then you can sit in the cave and sulk all you want.” They grab my hand and pull me forward as I stumble behind them.

I know they will force me to cheer up sooner or later, but I don’t think anytime soon would be a good idea. At least to me it isn’t. So when we arrive back at camp, I tell them that I want to be alone. 

I sit on a rock in solitude, as I was before. I can’t imagine what it felt like for that thing when I stabbed my sword through it. I don’t even know what I’m going to do, just sit here for days, not eat and not sleep, or if I should just forget it and move on.

As I sit here for hours to think it over, I come to a decision that it wasn’t a big deal after all. At least it was just a useless hybrid beast and not someone with an actual soul. I have also come to a very important conclusion.

I rise and turn to walk out the cave. When I reach the mouth of the cave, I can see everyone is huddled around another campfire, smaller than usual. No one says anything. They just sit there and look into the fire. No food or anything.

“Hey guys?” As soon as my raspy voice left my lips every single eye is on me. “Can I join you?” I know it’s a stupid question, but it’s really the only thing I can think of to say at the moment. Meela pats on the ground next her. I walk over slowly, like I’m walking in a mine field and one step could end all our lives. In this situation, that just might be the case.

“What’s up?” Jayias asks as I plant myself on the ground. I look at every single face around the fire, and just now I realize how little I know about all these people. I know their names, almost all their powers and their relationships with each other. That’s about it, is that even enough to feel like I owe them my life? Of course, especially after what every one of them did for me. 

“I’ve been thinking a lot.” Kiera rolls her eyes s soon as I say this, practically screaming annoyance. “I’m sorry about it too. It’s just at times, I need to be alone and think things over or I’ll never truly know what I think. Over the time I spent I came to decide two major things. First, it wasn’t as much of a deal that I killed the hybrid beast as much as I thought of it to be at the moment. The second thing is . . .” I’m scared to tell them the second. Scared to see what their reactions will be. I take a deep breath and just let it flow out, the longer I take the harder it will be. “Second, I have planned to leave you guys and continue the journey by myself. I feel as if I’ve just been a burden on everyone with all my mishaps and such. I know you guys won’t approve of it but . . .”

“Damn right we won’t approve of it!” Axel stands as his words echo throughout the woods. His eyes are reflecting the darkness not allowing me to see his feelings clearly. “Why the hell do you think we’ve been doing this stuff for you, for our own benefit?! We don’t mind helping you out, we need and want you around!?” At first I think he’s just going to storm off, but he just stands there staring down on me.

Everyone just looks around at each other not sure what to say next, I stand to match him. Although I’m as tall as I can get, and he’s still a good foot taller.

“People with wings like mine are just monsters.” I say looking him straight in the eye, making sure he understands how I feel. “All I bring to you guys is pain, and I’m sick of it! Did you even realize how much we don’t know about each other?! If I stay here with you guys, then things will just get worse and you’ll keep getting hurt!” I have no idea where it came from, but that’s how I feel. I feel like I could just hurt any of these people at anytime not even meaning to. I look right into Axel’s emotionless eyes, letting him know that I’m standing up for myself this time.

Alice speaks up, “Wings are for people who wish to be free, and therefore they could never belong to a monster.” 

“She’s right. You get to soar in the sky with no limit and we have to stay here on this worthless piece of rock.” Leo chimes in. 

“See nobody thinks of you as a monster, we all want you around. Without you . . . we would just be lost.” Meela stands and hugs me as she speaks. Tears start streaming down her cheeks. Before I know it Leo and Alice are also hugging me. The others join in. Kiera reluctantly joins, with me in the center of all of them. Axel just stands there though, not sure if he should join or not. I stare at him, and no one else. Right now no one else really matters. He looks up at me. He catches me off guard with his smile, but it makes me smile too.

We all lay on the floor of the cave, sleeping. I’m supposed to be sleeping, but I can’t. After all what they said tonight, I can’t help but to rethink running away, but the more I think the more I just hate myself. I stand trying not to awake anyone. It’s a lucky thing I slept closest to the entrance. I have to leave, what they have said makes it harder to stay. It would it harder for me to live if I hurt anyone of them. I look back before I leave for good.

“Thanks for everything, I love you all.” I choke on my last words, “I-I’m sorry.” I run away not caring if I anyone hears, I just have to get away before dawn. Just as I make it past the tree line I hear a voice behind me.

“We’ll miss you Skylar.” It’s Axel. he obviously can’t see me though. I ignore it though, and I continue running.

By morning I’m exhausted. I’ve been running for hours on end just trying to get as much distance as I can. When my feet finally give out, I’m around two miles away from them. It isn’t enough for me though. 

I stretch out my wings and start flying giving my feet a break. The cool wind freezes my tears as I fly, causing my vision to become blurry. I still travel though, not stopping for anything. 

I bring up my arm trying to clear the water, but it doesn’t help and I swerve into a high tree branch. I plummet towards the tangles of branches causing them to mark my arms and face, but I don’t care. I just fall not worrying if I get hurt or not.

The ground’s getting closer, so I turn around pointing my feet down preparing to land. When I land, I figure out that I was falling faster than I had thought because my left ankle bends in the wrong direction and snaps. I try my best not to scream out. I slam into the ground face first. I just lay here though. I’m Ok with ending like this.

My ankle is seething in pain, but I don’t have the stomach to look at it. I just lay here on the ground. I feel something wet fall on the back of my leg. I turn so I’m lying on my back, and as I look up I see a bunch of little white snowflakes descending from the sky. It feels good considering I’m burning up from all the running. It doesn’t take long for me to become freezing though still in my white t-shirt and shorts. I can’t even imagine what’s going to happen to me next, but if I do die, at least I’ll die happy knowing all my friends are safe.

I hear someone coming, but I don’t move. I’m too tired and dizzy to even turn my head. My breathing is really heavy, and I start burning up again. 

“Skylar?” My vision is getting hazier, but I can make out someone’s face above mine. My words get caught in my throat. I try to lift myself up to get a closer look, but my head throbs uncontrollably making me lay back down. I moan and try to lift my hand to my head, but it won’t move. I feel a hand lay on my forehead anyway. 

“You’re burning up, how long have you been out here?” I can hear jingling from the chains around his neck, and then a black pile is thrown on me. I start to levitate off the ground. I figure he’s picking me up, but why? Isn’t he my enemy? “Come on let’s get you somewhere warm, you need to take it easy.” I’m so close to him now I can feel his body heat radiate, and hear his heart pounding.

“Why?” I stutter out.

“Because you are my best friend . . . even if you don’t remember me, I’ll do anything for you.” I don’t get it at all. Who is this guy really? I’m so confused, but I guess for now I shouldn’t worry about it. 

“Thank you.” I close my eyes and snuggle closer to him. I may not know who he is right now, but I will soon. Right now, I just hope I’m not putting my trust in some kind of creep. 

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