Chap. 1: Skylar

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I watch a spider carefully thread a web together in a high corner of this bare white room. I wonder if it will ever find a way out . . . I wonder if I’ll even find a way out. I’ve been in this cell for about a few years now, maybe around two. The time seems endless.

I sit up in the bed, and swing my legs over the side. I fix my tightly fit white shirt and shorts, as I stretch out my wings. They’re so long that they almost touch the walls when I stand in the center of the room. They’re white feathered wings, very simple. I’ve tried many times to get them to retract in so they aren’t in my way, but nothing works.

I end up walking over to the glass wall across the chamber. I put my hands against the frigid glass as well as my face. Every once in awhile, a person in a white full-bodied uniform jogs past, not even taking notice of me. There’s also a cluster of intelligent machines you would see in a hospital across the hall. I look to the left of the equipment and find that there was a room full of farm animals such as pigs, cows and chickens. I suppose they were kept here for a food supply, but then again they might be there for experiments.

Looking at all this, I realize that I don’t remember where I learned this stuff from. I really don’t remember anything. All I have is common knowledge and memory of what my name is. 

As I continue to gaze out the glass, something unusual goes past, very swiftly, that I only get a small glimpse of it. What I make out of it, is a tall man in a black cloak. Of course it stands out, being that all of its surroundings are pure white.

I walk back over to my bed and sit to think this over again.

Am I at this place because I’ve done something horrible? Have they erased my memory so they could control me for some sort of war or did they save my life? Is the man I just saw an escaped prisoner or is he a specialist here? Even more questions clog my head, and what bothers me most, is that I have no answers at all. I look back up to the arachnid.

“I hope you at least find some answers to your life.” I speak in my raspy British voice. I lie back down and close my eyes to take a quick nap.

I soon awake by a loud siren. I rapidly sit up in my bed, but before I can even get up, cuffs appear around my wrists and attach themselves to the barricade behind me. I tug on the chains trying to get free, but it obviously isn’t working. I consider yelling for help, but I know none will come.

After seeing waves of the white uniformed people pass by, two different beings appear through the glass. Both of them wear the same as me, a white t-shirt and white shorts. One is a boy with sleek black locks that hide half his face, but when he looks at me I can see he has aquamarine eyes, just like mine. He has a buff rigid figure, that would make any girl fall for him, but I honestly I don’t. 

The girl standing next to him also stares at me. She seems a bit shorter than the boy and her shoulder-length coal curls, dark skin, and dazzling brown eyes go well together making her seem like a very attractive young girl, but something ruins her beauty. Small red pointed horns sit on top her head.

Before long, the boy leaves my sight as the girl stands there sharing my gaze. She stares at me with her brown eyes, and I stare back. I wonder if she thinks I look as foolish, it’s not every day you see a person with wings. I hear a sound in the corner of my cell, but I keep my eyes on the girl. As I shuffle through my thoughts, I finally remember something.

I’m not sure where it comes from, but I recall once being told that these human-like horned-creatures are known as Haldrins. There are many different varieties of these creatures, not all have horns. Like in some cases they have wings.

“Hey, need help with those?” I swivel around to the left to discover that the boy was now entering my room from a vent in the ceiling. “There’s no need to be worried, just let me . . .” He pauses as he tears off the cuffs that had held me back. “Ah, there we go. Now come with me and we’ll get you out of here. Oh, my name is Jayias by the way, yours is?”

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