Chap. 2: Kadaj

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“Do you understand what your mission is Kadaj?” The Vice President’s voice was deep and emotionless, I could never tell when he was joking around or being dead serious. He was mostly serious though, not that he even talks all that much.

“Yes sir.” I stand pin straight as it is required to when in the presence of either the VP or the President. “I’m to capture this maiden and bring her to you.”

“Good. I have full confidence in you. Now leave I have no intention of seeing such a nuisance for any longer.” There it was. He gives you a compliment then he takes it all back by giving you a just as nice insult. I give a small bow before I turn and exit the office.

Just as I step out the door his hand is on the tail of my jacket. “So what’s our mission?” He holds tight on my shirt, as we stroll down to the entrance. 

“Kei, you can’t come with me. This one is too dangerous.” I know if I even told him what it was, he would beg me endlessly to come, so I was trying to avoid it. With Kei, that’s going to be a challenge. 

“But you can’t just leave me here alone.” He ran around in front of me, stopping me from proceeding. I could see plead in his sparkling laughing blue eye. “My birthday is in a few weeks, you have to be here!”

“I’ll get letters to you I promise. Nothing can ever come between us.” I tousled his coal curls, making him smile. “You know I could never miss your eleventh birthday.” 

“Why are you taking your violin?” He asks like I hadn’t just said that, which makes me sigh, but then I smile.

“This mission might take a while, but I need you to stay here and train as best as possible. Don’t fret little brother.” I walk around him, giving a sigh of relief this time. I’m almost free, almost to the door, but I was too slow.

“Oh, Kadaj I almost forgot! What’s your mission again?!” He’s not far enough for me to yell with a cover up and get away with it, and with him I won’t be able to leave until he knows.

“All it is is to bring back some girl to help in the war.” By the look on his face, I’ve disappointed him already by accepting this. “Well you see she escaped with some others, so I need to return her.”

“Are you seriously going to kidnap a girl for them to use her as a puppet in the war? What about the others?” 

“I’m sorry brother, but I have no choice, and they only want her.” 

“Did they give you a name? I mean, of the girl you’re getting?” I plan on lying, but he always knows when I’m lying. That’s just one of the many gifts he was born with. I turn so my back is facing him once again.

“Y-yes. Its Skylar Dyson.” I hurry and make my way out the door, that way I know I’m safe for sure. The younger ones are not allowed to step outside the building unless granted permission, which I would be long gone by the time he would be able to. I can’t stand to see or hear his reaction to this.

I grow my coal feline ears and tail, activating my hidden powers. My tail and ears had always had a blue tint to them which always puzzled me. I spring into the air, and glide a few yards forward landing on the head of a lamppost. It’s a good thing we’re nowhere near any civilization, or I would never be able to do this. Normal people don’t know about us. We were mainly located in an abandoned town, and we are around civilization, we can blend in perfectly.

After the first part of the Haldrin War, many town and cities were abandoned when everyone moved to a safer place farther away from it. The war was named after the experiments that the government had created. 

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