Chap. 33: Kadaj

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I keep yelling at Lync trying to get him to look at me. Akaito then shows up and ruins everything. As far as I know, right now he has control over him. He had said yesterday that he only had control over him for a few hours then it wore off. Right now I don’t know what’s true and what isn’t.

“Please Akaito, don’t do this! We just want to over throw your father so we can live normal lives instead of being locked up and experimented on! You can benefit from this too, you won’t have to kill or hurt others anymore.” I walk closer to him, but he just stands there and stares at me. He then shakes his head.

“You can’t tell me what I don’t have to do, I already know. And do you think we would actually be able to live a normal life after what they did to us!?” He’s really mad now. This is my plan, distract him with anger while Axel gets Lync and runs for it. “We can’t just fit in with the other people making them think that we aren’t some freaks!”

“We fit in here didn’t we? No one even knew we had powers, they thought we were normal. They thought we were just like them didn’t they?” I look over and Axel is sneaking his way to Lync, I’m glad he understood what I was trying to do. All Lync does though, is just stand there, mindless. Not able to think for himself, waiting for a command. 

“I guess you have a point.” He stands there thinking for a minute, rubbing his chin. “Fine I’ll join you. My father will send ever more Haldrins after us, ones that he’s trained himself. You better prepare.” He looks over at Axel who is just about to grab Lync and laughs. “He’s not even under my control, I have no way to even do that. The process I made him go through only lasted a few hours. I even lied during it just to scare you Lync because I was told to. You would have never forgotten anything more, it was only your imagination that you were. Same thing as right now.” He stands there smiling like he’s planned this all along.

Lync turns around and walks towards him, leaving Axel there dumbfounded. “Hey you.” He turns around just in time to have him slap him. “That’s for putting me through all the shit. I know you’re not this kind of guy and that’s what disappointed me the most.” He stands there looking at the ground.

“Sorry.” He stands there with his head down and Lync glaring at him.

“Hey.” Lync puts his hand on Akaito’s shoulder. “Just forget about all that now, we’re a team now, and it’s time to act like one.” He looks up at him and he’s sparkling with his smile. Akaito nods his head and looks in my direction.

“If you need to know anything about the experiment or where anything is, just ask me. I can even track the location of any Haldrin.” I get an idea.

“Any Haldrins?” He pulls a machine from one of his pockets and shakes it in his hand.

“Any.” He replies.

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