Chap. 23: Max

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So they’re gone. Kadaj and Axel left, and Kei ran away. I hope they’re all safe, but I’m worried about Kei the most. I have always had a crush on him, but only now has it been clear to me. I knew I felt a certain way about him, but I never really understood it was this way until now. I want to help him and make him happy, the way his brother can.

I sit out on the front porch watching the fog. I guess I’m waiting for them to come back. To realize that they need more help. Realize they need me. I know I’ve been a brat to Kadaj, but I really think of him as an older brother. I think of Kei as more than a brother though. I love him. I’ve always have, but I don’t think he ever felt or will feel the same way. I was such a tom-boy back then, and now I suddenly make a drastic change. He probably just thinks I’m weird, because he just thinks of me as a sister. He even told me that.

“Max! Max, they’re in trouble! Big trouble!” I stand up, my hand on my heart. I see nothing but the fog. Who’s yelling at me then? “Max!” Soon Kei comes bursting out of the fog in a panic. 

“What do you mean in trouble? Who?” I walk down the stairs to meet him. He’s out of breath by the time he reaches me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and bends over to catch his breath. Now my breath leaves me, he’s actually touching me. He looks up at me.

“Kadaj and Axel. They have to fight Akaito and some new person he brought.” 

“Then why aren’t you there helping them!?” I grab his shoulders and shake him. “How could you be so stupid and leave them!”

“I know, I know. Kadaj asked me to come back though, so I wouldn’t get hurt, so I can’t.” I can see that he means it. He cares what his brother tells him. I put a fierce face on.

“Doesn’t mean I can’t.” I walk around Kei, releasing my grip on him, and he lets me go. He’s dumbfounded. He just stands there and stares at me as I make my way towards the fog. Gun shots fill the air, but I don’t stop. I march my way towards where they came from.

“No!” I feel myself being pulled back into someone’s arms. I can feel Kei breathe on my neck, and his arms are tightly locked around me. “I can’t let you go. What if they take you away from me? What if they kill you? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” Tear start to fall from my eyes, and my heart starts pounding.

“But I thought-”

“I only said that because I was scared you would find out that I love you. I only said that because I was a kid and I didn’t understand how I felt, I wasn’t sure what to call it. But I know now.” He spins me around so I’m facing him. “I love you, Moxie. I always have.”

“I-I love you too, Keith.” He smiles, and I see that tears are falling down his cheeks as well.

“Really?” I nod, reaching up and wiping away my tears. “That makes me so happy.” He pulls me into a hug again, and I feel safe. I feel safe here in his arms, like nothing’s wrong.

“We have to help them in some way.” I mumble. He sighs, and tightens his embrace.

“I know, but I won’t send you.” He pulls away from me, and turns around. He whistles. For a moment, I have no clue what he’s trying to do, but then flying figures come from over the house. They land in front of us, and bow. “Hikaru, I want you to go help Kadaj and Axel. Don’t get involved in the fight, but make sure they survive their trip.”

The black creature rises, and then takes off. I turn around watching it disappear into the day. Kei comes back over and puts him arm around me.

“So we gonna tell everyone else what’s going on?” I look up at him. He looks down into my eyes.

“Nah, we can let it be our little secret.” He says as he puts a finger to his lips and winks. I laugh, and look back to the sky.

Our little secret. I wonder if he means us, or Kadaj and Axel. Either way, I know today will be a somewhat good day no matter what.

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