Chap. 36: Skylar

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After our burst of energy, everyone crashed. We’re all lying on the ground right now panting. I may be exhausted, but I can’t help smiling. We’re so close to the end now.

“I didn’t think that would be a setback.” I say in between breaths. Everyone laughs.

“We can rest for a bit. We have been up all night, so we deserve it.” Kadaj says. I sit up and stretch my arms and let out a huge sigh. I have to prepare myself to tell everyone the truth, it might be hard, but I promised I would.

“Kiera, Leo and I will go find something to eat. You others can split up water and fire duty. Let’s go love birds.” I say. I make my way to my feet, and the other two follow without argument. As we make our way into the woods, I get more and more excited to revel myself to them.

“So why exactly did you want us to come with you?” I turn around with my hands behind my back and great big smile on my face. They both just stare at me, but I laugh at them.

“I have a secret to share.” I say holding my finger to my lips. At this they both light up a bit. “You can’t tell Kadaj or Axel though, promise?”

“Promise, just tell us.” Kiera says. Being pushy as usual, I laugh again though. I reach up and grab the caramel in my hand. I yank it off with all my might, letting all my real hair fall down. Both of them looked shocked.

“Oh my gosh! You’re alive!” Kiera yells as she runs over to hug me. After she releases me, Leo walks over. He puts his hand on my head and tousles my hair.

“It’s good to know that you’re with us.” He leans in close. “But why can’t we tell the other two?” I back up and start to put my wig back on.

“Because they’ve known me as Lync for a while now, and if I just reveal myself out of the blue, they’ll either get really angry, or it’ll just be too much for them to handle. I have to tell them today though, I promised I would, just not yet.” I turn around to continue walking, still fixing my wig, trying to fit my hair up into it. As I turn around though, I run into something. I assume it’s a tree, but when I look up at it, I realize I was totally wrong, and totally screwed.

“We’ll leave you two alone. I think it’s best for this kind of explaining.” Kiera grabs Leo’s arm and drags him away. “Don’t worry about the food either, we got it covered!” She yells back. I don’t really attention to it though. I have to focus on how I’m going to deal with the situation I was just put into.

“I would’ve understood if you would’ve just told me.” He says, I can hear that he’s disappointed though. I continue to put my wig on. “I’m actually kind of embarrassed.” He puts his hand to his mouth and laughs. It takes some pressure off of me.

“How are you embarrassed?” I ask looking up at his green eyes. They’re sparkling like they usually are. I guess he really isn’t mad about it. He puts his hand on my head just as Leo did.

“I’m embarrassed because I didn’t know it was you. I even lifted you up and made fun of your weight.” He laughs again. “It’s a good thing that it wasn’t offensive to you though, right?”

“Right, I didn’t take offensive at all.” I laugh too. I stop though. I have to ask him a question though. Something that has been bothering me since Kadaj had that talk the other night. “Hey Axel, do you love me?” He stops laughing and looks at me. He rubs his chin and then leans down close to my face.

“I guess I do.” We look into each other’s eyes for a moment. “Do you love me back?” I knew this question was coming. I thought about what I would say many nights, and now it’s time to actually say them.

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