Her hair style use to look exactly like mine. Now, it falls below her waist. It’s still the beautiful sandy color it was, but now longer. It’s hard to admit, but she looks pretty now. I’ve always liked her personality, but now she looks amazing too.

“Hey bro, everything go OK while we were gone?” I force myself to look away from Max and to my brother. I consider telling him about Akaito, but I assume that will cause them to “suffer” as well.

“Good, I had fun with Kiara and Hikaru.”

“That’s good. Fostoria said she’ll be waiting for you at the Garden whenever you’re ready to transform.” I nod, and head off to the bathroom to clean up. After I wash my hands, I look at myself in the mirror. I try to imagine what Fostoria might do. I also think about Akaito waiting for me in the alley. I shudder at the thought. What does he want with me?

I make my way to the Garden unharmed. My heart was pounding the whole way here. I even peered into the alleyway to see if Akaito was already there, and thank goodness he wasn’t. I walk in, the bell ringing behind me, and I find Fostoria standing at her station just waiting for me. I give her a friendly smile as I sit in the chair and prepare for my transformation. 

“What’s wrong dear?” She asks just as she begins.

“What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong.” I try to sell to her that it’s the truth. I have a feeling she knows it’s an exaggeration though.

“You can think that if you wish dear, but we both know that smile does not contain your true happiness.” I sigh.

“What is true happiness Grandma?” She seems stumped at this question.

“I do not know, for I have never experienced it.” I wonder if I ever will. For some reason though, I feel like I want to help someone experience it. It would make me happy to just do that. Is it even possible for a child like me to do such a thing?

I look like a little kid now. My curls are shortened, and bleached. I now have caramel hair, like Dan’s. But I have to say it makes my eyes stand out. 

“Thanks Grandma, can I head out now?” She looks me a bit disappointed.

“I guess you could.” She sighs and starts to put her supplies away. I do feel bad about leaving her here alone, but I have to get to Akaito, and now is my chance. 

“I’ll see you back at the house, I have some places I have to stop at.”

“OK, don’t be out too late though, and Kei.” I turn to look at her, my hand resting on the door. “Be safe.”

“I will be.” Another lie, but I have to. There’s no other choice. “Bye.” I walk out the door without looking back or waiting for a reply. I know if I did, then I wouldn’t be able to face him. I have to go straight into it, without any hesitation or I can’t at all. 

I rush down the sidewalk, and into the alleyway. I walk deeper inside, getting slower with each step.   “It’s good to see that you showed up, brother.”

“Would you just stop with the brother thing!” I scream into the black nothingness before me. The sun is setting now, so nothing is lit for me to see.

“I am truly sorry.” He walks into view

“Anyway let’s get on with this. I can’t be out too late.”

“As you wish, but first I must show you what the consequences are.” He reaches over and closes my eyes. I slap his hand away and open my eyes. I’m standing in a field, with a slight breeze blowing. The sun is blazing, as I look around standing alone. The long grasses are swaying around me.

“Kei! Kei!” I turn and Max is running towards me. Behind her is everyone else, even Kiara and Hikaru. Max opens her arms as if she’s going to hug me, and I do the same. Just as we’re about to touch, I hear strange noises. Beyond Max, everyone else is getting attacked by these strange creatures I’ve never seen. 

“No!” I run past Max, but as soon as I do she starts to run with me. “Stop! Get away from them!” All the creatures stop together, and look at me with their beaming eyes. Some of them look the same and others look different. They just ignore me though. I keep running ready to just run into the chaos, but Max stops and grabs my hand. I stop and watch. 

Some of the creatures shoot electricity from their bodies, others flames sprout from their mouths and burn all my friends. Some of them even fling rocks crushing them, and others send leaves and vines in their direction, cutting and strangling them. 

“Stop it! Please!” I try to run to them but Max is still holding me back. All the creatures stop though and look my way once again. This time they drop their prey and run off. I look around me now, and I see nothing but a ring of burning flames around the meadow. The long swaying grass is now being cut down to dirt, and I’m surrounded by the corpses of all my friends and family.

I fall to my knees. My face is shoved into my hands, “How did this happen? How could I let this happen?” I feel a hand on my back. I look up hoping to see Max unharmed, but instead Akaito looks down on me. He looks sad for a moment, and then his smile is back. What did he look sad? I never would have expected him to feel bad or anything.

“It does not have to happen, only if you listen to me and do as I say and not only to save your friends.” I feel the atmosphere around me change again. I look around and I’m in a small room made of stone. 

“Keith?” I look up even more. My eyes grow wide and my breath is taken. On the wall, both my parents are chained up, cuffs around both their wrists and ankles. They have scars all over them.

“Mom? Dad?” I feel hands on my shoulders once again. 

“You can also save your parents. It’s not too late.” I stare at my parents. They look so weak to what they did. I can feel tears starting to form.

“I’ll do anything. Anything! Just let them go.” I’m back in the alley, Akaito’s hands still on me. I can practically hear him smile, but there’s a hesitation. He doesn’t seem himself right now. His smile is confident though.

“Here is my proposition, dear brother.”

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