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[Day 126, February 25th]

The cheerful and motherly disposition that I usually adapted was put on hold and transformed to one of disappointment as I gazed upon my foolhardy son who decided he wasn't going to meet my stare, instead he just continued to go over the documents in his hands. Sucking on my teeth, I grabbed a nearby chair and set it besides his side of the bed and sat in it, my eyes boring holes into his head.

King Laurent: "Yes mother?", he questioned without taking his eyes off what I could now see was reports of how much money the festival had brought in and a personalized letter that seemed feminine in its handwriting but I couldn't see who it was sent from. I crossed my arms across my chest and kept my voice level.

Lidia: "Oh you know, I was just wondering why my daughter in law has for the last three days, locked herself inside the guest room farthest away from here?", veins popped up in the smoothness of his left hand as Laurent clenched the silken bed sheet beneath him and the way his jaw locked, I could tell he was grinding his teeth together yet he still did not glance up.

King Laurent: "She'll get over it.", a simple reply in nature surely but one that set my temper to an all time high by the condescending tone of which it was spoken with.

Lidia: "You almighty idiot! What did you do that has her so distraught? She won't speak with me about it and Larry had been tight lipped as well. So either you tell me what the hell you done wrong or so help me, I will cause the biggest scene and have the people think you can't control your Kingdom.", the thinly veiled challenge in my voice must've struck a nerve because as soon as the last word left my lips, Laurent flew into a heated tirade.

King Laurent: "Why does everyone keep their nose in my damn business?! First, I had to deal with the relentless questioning from Larry and now you too?! What goes on between me and Jasmine is our problem, not yours!Stay out of it.", his eyes bulged wide on his face and the nostrils of his nose flared in his anger but he did not move from bed, he almost seemed stuck to it.

I bristled at the way he commanded me, his own mother, but I also respected the boundaries he placed on his relationship with Jasmine. It truly was none of our business but to watch the young woman be so depressed and know that my grandchild was more than likely feeling that sadness, tugged at my heart. Especially since I looked at Jasmine as my own child. Clearing my throat, I stood up from the seat and left without another word. He wanted to be a brute? Fine, then he can suffer alone.

I made my way through the hallway that led to the guest rooms, only stopping when a painting caught my eye which was generally the ones consisting of a sort of landscape. Coming to a complete stop at the seventh door down the hall, I inhaled a deep breath then knocked twice in rapid succession but no sound came from within.

Lidia: "I know you're in there Jasmine, unlock the door or I will have the locksmith do it. Your choice my darling.", inside the room, something akin to muffled cursing ensued and from what I could gather, Jasmine was not happy with being disturbed. A smile tugged at my lips as I heard what sounded like someone hitting their pinky toe and a loud damnit! rang out.

A few seconds more and Jasmine yanked the door open, her eyes the color of ripe apple and her face was flushed as though she was coming down with a cold. The glare that was settled on her face lessened when she saw me and with a little step to the side, she allowed me permission inside.

Lidia: "How are you feeling love?", I asked as I walked past her to take a seat  on the edge of the decent sized queen bed. She mumbled a answer that sounded like I'm fine but from what I could see, she definitely was not. There was balled up tissues scattered on the floor and the bed, which generally was made up for guests in navy blue quilts now lay in disarray with the blue being slightly dingy. I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the sight of her rumpled dress and how her curls stuck to her cheeks from the consistent crying.

Lidia: "You look a mess darling. Why don't you tell me about what happened with you and Lau? All this stress can't be good for the baby.", I tried to coax her to tell me what had caused her to suddenly cancel the trip and go into hiding here in this section of the castle but still she shook her head and refused to budge.

Jasmine: "I tol-", she had to clear her throat since as soon as she tried to speak, her voice came out hoarse and broken from being unused. "Ahem..., what I was trying to say was that nothing happened miss Lidia, I just don't feel well and I don't think it will be a good idea to travel right now."

Getting into the bed and burrowing underneath the blankets, blocking out all the unwanted attention. I sighed and patted the spot where her legs rested.

Lidia: "You know I'm here for you, whenever you are ready to talk. You hold so much in Jasmine because you think you have to be strong alone but remember Jasmine, this isn't back in your childhood where you were on your own. There are people here who care about you and are willing to bend their ear to your burdens, share them.", when no reply came back from the bundled woman, a sad smile overtook my face and I left her room as well, feeling as though nothing was fixed. What did I do to deserve to hardheaded fools?

Gently closing the cream colored door behind me, I stepped back into the hallways where I bumped into Liara. I was surprised to see her, ever since we found out Jasmine was pregnant, she has distanced herself from the rest of us.

Lidia: "Hello sweetie, what are you doing here?", I inquired, trying to keep the accusation out my voice that she might be bothering Jasmine in her state of despair. Liara squirmed underneath my gaze and shrugged her shoulders.

Liara: "I wanted to talk with Jasmine....", a scowl appeared on my face and I spoke lowly but warnings were deeply embedded in the words.

Lidia: "Liara, if you came to place more blame on -", she shook her head vehemently and I could see the outline of her eyes brimming with tears.

Liara: "No mom! I just want to talk with her, I swear.", deciding to believe her, I moved to the side and waited with bated breath as Liara knocked on the door and Jasmine opened it a minute later.

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