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King Laurent
( Day 121, February 20th )

Jasmine slept so quietly, the glow from the dimmed sunlight caressed her cheeks, highlighting the smoothness of them and her face resembled that of someone in peace, not a worry in the world. Someone so unlike me.

I was stressed, everything was taking its toll on my mind, from Jasmine's health and the fact that my Kingdom was just barely making ends meet. Just the other day, Dr.Leona had informed me after a routine checkup that my body was starting to give out on me and if I didn't relax soon, that I was looking at some serious muscle damage.
But I didn't have time to take a break,
I refused to shrink away from my responsibilities just because of some weak bones.

A knock on the doors disrupted my musings and Jasmine squirmed in response to the noise, yet her eyes didn't open. Letting the smile that wanted so badly to overtake my nonchalant frown lifted my lips and I leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead. Two more knocks had my eyes narrowing and I was far to close to snapping but I instead got up, until my eyes landed on Jasmine's stomach.

She was only two months pregnant and there was hardly a bump there but I knew that inside her small belly, grew the most valuable treasure I could ever ask for. Four more knocks rang out consecutively and I knew from the quickness of them that the person knocking had reached the climax of their patience. Only one person would keep on with this behavior and not worry about being fired or executed.

I left Jasmine in the bed and I felt the guilt nearly choke me again, how many times lately have I left her behind in the mornings and on her own at night? Unable to resist the moment, I leaned back on the bed just above Jasmine.
King Laurent: "I'm sorry baby, I love you...", I whispered softly against her lips before kissing her chastely and leaving the bed completely this time.
I snatched the door open just before Larry could knock again and glared at my twin with a look that could kill, but he just had a cocky smirk settled on his face. Smacking my teeth, I closed the door behind me and leaned on the doors, a sharp pain easing its way into the calf of my leg. I ignored it to the best of my ability but I saw Larry's smirk falter just a bit.

King Larry: "What's wrong with you bro?", the concern in his voice forced me to pretend there was nothing wrong, couldn't have Larry freaking out and trying to push rest on me as well.

King Laurent: "Nothing, I'm good. Just need some sleep, didn't get much last night. Is everything set for the festival tonight?", I dismissed his worry with a casual wave of my hand. I saw the sharp yet baby faced features of Larry scrunched together in annoyance but he turned to walk away, knowing I would be following behind to hear the results to my question.

King Larry: "If you say so Lau, you never tell me what's wrong with you anyways. As for the festival, everything's good, the workers are setting up the last Ferris wheel now and that's all that's left. The food stalls have already opened and it looks like this will be a success.", he answered tersely, his attitude foul now from my indifference. He'll get over it though.

We passed the dining room and decided to skip out on breakfast, I had to go into town to oversee the activities.
King Laurent: "Larry, i'ma head into town. You can stay here and work on the books, I need the numbers to the population that was gathered yesterday. Also, make sure that reports from Langston are here yet about the poachers.", I said as I walked past him to the entrance of the castle.

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