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Morning Talks

Day 24


I woke up feeling dreadful and disturbed. I dreamt of the little lollipop girl from the plane, replaying how she screamed over and over. I wiped the sleep from my eyes, praying that I would wake up in any place but Parisih. Unfortunately, it seemed God didn't want to grant me my wish. I slid out of the maroon blankets, feeling nothing but silk and satin. Geez the material these things were made of was exquisite. I rolled around on the bed one good time before I decided that I should brush my teeth and shower before I meet the Kings and hear what King Laurent decision was.

I grabbed my book bag off the floor, remembering that I had packed my toothbrush in the small pocket of it. As I took my toothbrush and a change of clothes to the bathroom, the sight that welcomed me was way to much to bear. King Laurent stood there in just a towel, his twists wet and framing his face. His chest and abs glistening with water, showing he just stepped out the shower. If I thought that he was scrawny or small at anytime before, this just blew all that away. His body was lean yes but taut muscles roiled beneath the lanky form.

I dragged my eyes from below the towel which they traveled to on their own, and looked up to his face. He was staring at me straight in my face, his chocolate eyes dark.  His voice had a husky tone to it when he spoke to me.

King Laurent: "Ah, good morning Princesse. Did you sleep well? Excuse my attire, I didn't expect you to be awake so early." The damn fucker had the most cockiest smile on his face. I just knew I was blushing apple red.

Jasmine: "Good morning King Laurent. Yes I did sleep well, thank you for asking. Oh no, I should've knocked first, I completely forgot that you said you preferred this bathroom to your private ones." Sure I lied about the sleeping well, but everything else was true.

King Laurent: "You sure?" Was I sure what? His confident smile made me realized what he meant. I blushed a hot red now, absolutely mortified by his insinuations. Sure, he was attractive but I wouldn't barge in on a King after he got out the shower. I was not some whore and I didn't appreciate the comment.

Jasmine: "Sorry to disappoint you, Your Majesty. I was very sincere in saying I had forgotten. Please do not confuse me with Candice. If you'll excuse me, I'll just wait in my room until you're finished." As I turned to walk back out the door, I felt myself be tugged back. I landed right on King Laurent's chest as he let me go. He twirled a curl in his fingers, just like last night.

King Laurent: "there's no need to run, I am finished. I will leave you to do whatever it is you need to do. I will have my servants bring you a change of clothing. Now before you say, Oh but King Laurent I have clothes, I want you to know that a hoodie and tights are not proper attire. I will have them bring you a dress and heels. Woman's clothing not the men's clothing you seem so fond of. And no, this is not up for discussion. I will see you at breakfast miss Jasmine."

And just like that , the King left me alone. I was pissed. So now not only could I not go home, I couldn't wear what I felt comfortable in?! The thought of being made fun of while in the dress again made my stomach curl. I hope it's at least a long sleeved one. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower and sure enough right there on the huge ass toilet, was a navy blue fit and flare dress with black pumps.

Of course it was sleeveless. I sighed, pushing my old insecurities back down. I got dressed and went to my room. On the bed was a beautiful black bolero jacket with a note attached to it.

Sophia: "Jasmine I see that you no like showing your arms so I make sure I sneak jacket in for you. Sophia."
My heart warmed. So she was observant. I will make sure to thank her later. I put the jacket on and walked outside the double doors of my room. The guards passing by gave me a smile as I walked towards the dining room. When I walked into the dining room, the only ones present was King Laurent and Larry and Kyanna. I could see King Larry seemed irritated and I actually sat down by his seat. King Laurent eyebrow raised ever so slightly. As did King Larry's but his out of suspicion and distrust.

Jasmine: "How are you today King Larry? No more sticks I presume?"
He seemed confused by my question.

King Larry: "I'm doing just fine miss Jasmine. Why are you sitting in that seat. It's reserved my Princess just as the seat next to my brother is reserved for his. Despite how poorly made the choice was." Before I could stop I laughed and King Larry asked what was so funny with condensation.

Jasmine: "I just can't believe how much of an ass you are. I only sat here so I can speak with you and ask how your day was going since you have this aura of anger around you. Last I recall, neither you or King Laurent specified seating arrangements. Nonetheless I will move." And move I did.

Jasmine: "By the way, since your Princess isn't present, perhaps instead of deciding to hurt others feelings just because misery loves company, you should check on your late Princess. Your Majesty." I rolled my eyes at his attitude. It didn't make sense. He didn't even know me to be so rude. Sharing facial features didn't seem to be the only thing the Kings shared. They also shared their mood swings and bipolar behavior. I took my seat at King Laurent's side, my mood soured by King Larry.

King Laurent: "I don't recall that jacket Miss Jasmine. Where did you acquire that? I hardly believe something of such good taste was picked by you." King Laurent mocked. Ah, so coming to his twins rescue. I ignored the rude jab and responded.

Jasmine: "Sophia gave it to me."

King Laurent: "The servant girl?"

Jasmine: "Yes, she's been quite kind to me." King Laurent had the shocked expression on his face again. Why? I couldn't understand, was Sophia not suppose to? So I asked him.

King Laurent: "Non, it's nothing like that. It's just Sophia never liked anyone. She always stayed away from any of the women in the castle. Including both Queens." Well I couldn't exactly tell King Laurent I was surprised. After all, if the Queens were anything like the Kings lovers, I wouldn't want to associate with them either. At that moment, the doors opened and Candice and Melissa walked in, happily chatting away. King Larry's upper lip sneered up again,

King Larry: "Oh I'm so glad you ladies decided to finally join us. Next time perhaps I should set timers in your rooms so you can actually make it to breakfast on time." Venom was dripping from King Larry's words and Melissa and Candice flinched from his tone. When Candice came to sit on the other side of King Laurent, I guess he decided to be petty. Because at that moment he turned to me and said,

King Laurent: "Miss Jasmine, would you like to join me this evening for a walk? I have something I wish to discuss with you in private."
His eyes were smoldering with something I couldn't describe. Candice eyes narrowed and all I could do was say okay like a weakened lamb in a lions den. King Laurent twirled a curl in his finger.

King Laurent: "Good, make sure you wear something comfortable. May I suggest a towel like this morning?" Candice's horrified gasp and the playful seduction on King Laurent's voice made me choke on my orange juice that I had grabbed. I was convinced King Laurent was trying to kill me.

Help me please.


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