Don't leave me Kyanna |47|

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( King Larry )

She said nothing. Not a single word since we got on the boat. Lauren had immediately told Jasmine to leave with us, that she would be fine on her own. But Jasmine was not, I was worried about her sanity.

Jasmine: "What's wrong with her Larry?" I hadn't expected Jasmine to speak. I was caught off guard and the sorrow hit me like a ton of bricks.

King Larry: "She's suffering from a brain tumor. When Kyanna started having issues with remembering certain things, I had her checked out. By the time we found out, it was already to big. I tried to get her some medical help but no chemo could fix it. I wanted to tell you but Kyanna begged me not to. I'm so sorry Jasmine." She said nothing, just started crying again. My mom wrapped her arms around Jasmine and softly stroked her hair. But I had to at least warn her about what she was walking into.

King Larry: "Jasmine, there's something else you should know. About Laurent, well he--"

Lidia: "That's enough Larry! She cannot handle something else right now. We will speak about it when she's in a better mindset." My mothers glare shut me up. Was she crazy? Did she think Jasmine would handle it better heading into a major war unprepared? I huffed and leaned back into the seat, placing my hand on Jasmine's thigh, offering my comfort at the very least.

We got off the boat and walked through the town silently. A couple of townsfolk greeted Jasmine warmly while others just had a look of sadness in them. When we got to the castle, Jasmine held back at the entrance. I looked back at her and she was shaking like a leaf in the wind. I slowly went to her, taking ahold of her hands.
King Larry: "Are you okay?" She looked at me and tears fell from her dark mocha eyes.

Jasmine: "What if King Laurent doesn't permit me to enter? What if Kyanna doesn't remember me? I don't know if I can say goodbye to another person Larry. I just can't! It hurts! Please Larry, I'm scared!" She was hyperventilating and her eyes went wide, the pupils dilating. I quickly yanked her into my arms, hugging her to let her know she was not alone.  She buried her face in my shirt and cried.

King Larry: "Jasmine, I know it hurts and I am so sorry you have to do this. To be honest, I wasn't going to tell you. I was scared that it would break you, you've had such rotten luck here in Parisih and I didn't want to add to it. But Jasmine, since my mom isn't here there is something I need to tell you. Candice is pregnant." Still, was the only way I could describe Jasmine. There was no more crying, no shaking, no anger, just stillness. Jasmine's head slowly lifted and I felt my own tears prick at my eyes at the pure betrayal and hurt in the brown depths.
Jasmine: "It is Laurents?" , She asked quietly.

King Larry: "She says it is but I have my doubts, I hardly believe Candice was only sleeping with my twin."
Jasmine eyes went distant and I felt like she became so empty.

Jasmine: "Can you take me to Kyanna now?" Lost was the only emotion hanging in the air. I whispered okay to her and guided her to my room, where Kyanna lay.

( Jasmine )

My mind was everywhere but yet no where. So Candice was pregnant? For some reason, I wasn't surprised. King Laurent wanted children and what better way to trap a King who no longer wanted you? It mattered not at the current moment, all I wanted to do was see Kyanna. When Larry took me to his chambers, I couldn't tell you what it looked like for the only thing I saw was the skinny dark chocolate woman laying in the bed. I walked from Larrys side all the way to the side of the bed Kyanna was on. Her face was sunken in and her usually dark chocolate complexion was now a dull nearly ashy color, like a piece of charcoal that was turned to ash. Her dark mane was now thinning and laid about her face like a willows branches. Her eyes fluttered open so slowly and when she turned her head to look at me, I watched as she grimaced in pain but still managed to smile at me.

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