Jasmine's Nightmare |19|

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( Day 31 - 32 )

I was cold. My body felt like it was impacted with ice. I moved my hands in front of my face. My fingers moved yet I didn't feel it. Where was I? I stood up, my eyes wandering about. Trees everywhere. Dark and foreboding, just like the endless black sky above me. Why was I in the forest again? I could've sworn I had been in the castle when I blacked out. Something moving in the bushes caught my attention. I walked slowly and quietly. When I approached the bushes, I moved them aside. A little girl was hiding inside them. She was shaking.

Jasmine: "Hey, it's okay I won't hurt you. What's your name?" The little girl looked up and I fell backwards. Her grape lollipop eyes shining like a amethyst.

Crystal: "I am Crystal My Lady. Do not be frightened of me, I mean you no harm." I was shaking. I could only look at the girl. Her voices tone was like a child's mixed with a ethereal tune.

Jasmine: "Why do I see you everywhere?" The child/spirit levitated towards me.

Crystal: "Because only you can help. I died on the plane My Lady but not all are gone." I gasped as the mantra started replaying in my head. I cried out as the voices got louder and louder. Crystal's hands went to my head and passed through it. When they came out, the voices stopped.

Crystal: "I apologize My Lady. You are very susceptible to the other world for some reason I do not know. It is for this reason that you can help the ones who survived. I do not know where they are but you can find them. All you have to do is remember." I was so lost. Everyone kept telling me to remember or I could help. I was just some girl from Florida who just wanted to get away from a bad situation. Yet here I was, in a worse situation.

Jasmine: "Crystal, I don't think you understand. I blacked out and woke up in the forest. I was never near anyone else." Crystal turned around and started floating ahead of me, straight into the heart of the forest. "Come." The child like ethereal tune sang. So I was dreaming? Okay, yeah no, floating children were real. Despite the uneasiness I felt, I followed after Crystal. As we passed the huge oaks and hardy pines, my head started to feel it was on fire.

Crystal: "Keep walking please." Crystal pleaded. I pushed on, the fire in my head fanning out towards my body.

Jasmine: "Ahhhhh, it hurts!!" I cried as the burning sensation was overpowering me. Crystal pleaded once again for me to continue on. I damn near crawled through the path Crystal was going. She stopped and just stayed in one place.

Crystal: "Over there My Lady." I crawled over to Crystal, my body veins on fire. I looked down at the scene, my mind immediately searching for answers. There I was, laying there with a few other passengers from the plane. We were all in a ravine but I didn't wake up here. When did this happen? I caught a glimpse of red, gold, and grey. Queen Jessica!

Jasmine: "Crystal, I don't understand. I didn't wake up here. Where is this?"

Crystal: "I don't know My Lady. Only you do. But in order to find it, you must remember."

Jasmine: "Buts it's been nearly a month how will any of them still be alive?"

Crystal: "I do not know My Lady."

Jasmine: "Why do you keep calling me My Lady? I'm not Queen." Crystal turned to me, her grape lollipop eyes shining.

Crystal: "But you will be. Remember them, they're not gone."

I bolted up out the nightmare. My body had this leftover feeling of fire. I sucked in deep breaths, my body feeling light. I looked around the room. It was most definitely in the Kingdom. The bed I was in was comfortable but I couldn't sleep anymore tonight. I tried to get up and noticed a handcuff, cuffing my left arm to the left arm post. What the fuck?! I tried to pull on it, to no avail.

When I was on my 29th try, the doors opened. King Larry and Laurent entered, their faces a mask. King Larry slowly walked to my side of the bed, a wicked smile on his face.

King Laurent: "Tell me Miss Jasmine, why did you feel the need to attack my Princess. Jealously is a bad habit to feed."

Jasmine: "So is pride or deceit. Your Princess hurt my friend, I simply retaliated. As King, perhaps instead of exchanging wits with me, you should go and focus on your Kingdom. "

King Larry: "Very well Miss Jasmine. I can see you don't understand. My twin and I decided you can spend a few days in here, alone. Maybe then you can learn respect."

Jasmine: "I'll learn respect when you learn how not to be a womanizer. And King Laurent agreed to this as well. I see." King Laurent came up to me and I glared at him. He sat on the bed and played with a curl of my hair.

King Laurent: "Only because you really hurt Candice. Unfortunately, I cannot overlook this." I pulled the strand from King Laurent's hands .

Jasmine: "Yes, even Kings can be pawns." King Laurent's laughter rang out and King Larry's eye roll could be heard throughout all of Parisih. Then the flames returned to my head and I cried out.

( End Chapter )

It's a bumpy ride

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