Dead Ends

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( Jasmine )
( Day 63, December 24th )

I felt so sick, like someone hit me in my stomach over and over with a baseball bat. I attempted to clutch at my stomach to alleviate the churning but had forgot that there were handcuffs on my wrists, so my arms snapped back in complete resistance. I grunted in frustration and glared with unfiltered hatred at the restricting metal rings. I yanked back and a pained whimper blew from my lips. Ugh, why were they so determined to keep me locked up like some fucking animal?! I leaned my head on the top of my knees, feeling the tears slip from my eyes onto the dirty sheets that adorned the deteriorating old twin sized bed. I inhaled a ragged breath, feeling defeated. It felt like I had been here forever and there was no Laurent or Larry in sight.

They probably won't come. The depressing and somber thought put a pause to my oxygen supply. Why would they? Laurent probably thought I had lied about Candice or that I had plotted against him with Curtis. The door creaking open to the gloomy dark room tore my attention away from my depressing thoughts. In walked Hiro wearing a crisp all white suit with matching shoes and in his hand was a grey trey that resembled that of a school cafeterias. The smell of food wafted from it and a responding rumble from my stomach rang out loud. Hiros lips lifted into a cocky half smirk.

Hiro: "Hungry? It's been almost four days since you ate." He placed the trey in front of my face in an offering stance. As if by instinct, I moved my head in a sideways swing, knocking the trey clean from Hiros hands and onto the floor. He watched me with a reproachful look.

Jasmine: "I don't want anything from you. I rather drink a whole vial of poison before I eat nor drink any thing you offered." My words were coated in venom and disgust. Hiro took a calming breath and in the next instant, I felt my head knock back against the metal headboard from the force of Hiros backhand slap. I painfully gasped for air and felt the cold grip of his hands tightening around my throat.

Hiro: "Now I was trying to be hospitable but you continue to try my patience. You want to starve? Very well, I could care less." He nearly growled the words at me, his grip on my neck becoming impossibly tight. My lips puckered in and out for air like a fish out of water. When I felt the tips of oblivion at the back of my mind and black tinged the outlines of my pupils, Hiro finally released his hold. He stood up quickly and ran a slightly trembling hand through his already slick back black waves. He turned on his toe, preparing to departure when something must've crossed his mind.

He advanced towards me once again while slipping the silk purple tie from around his neck. I crawled back against the bed frame with my fear seeping from every pore. The sadistic grin on Hiros face told me how much he enjoyed and relished in my fear. He leaned over me on the bed and held my chin in a crushing grip. When I cried out in pain, he stuffed the tie inside my mouth. He grabbed a roll of clear masking tape from his pocket and ripped a piece off, placing it over my mouth. Effectively sealing my lips and the tie inside my mouth. He got back up and looked down at me with accomplishment.

Hiro: "Ah. That's much better. Got tired of hearing you cry and whine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and seal the deal on a house for our little family." He nearly skipped out of the room in his glee, letting a cruel Merry Christmas fall from his lips and I finally let the word sink in with dread. What did he mean by our little family? I prayed I wasn't involved. But if I wasn't involved, wouldn't that mean I was on my way to a body bag and amazing grace played in my name? I could feel fresh tears pricking at my eyes and I let them break free like an overflowing dam.

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