Hearing Their Side |31|

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( Jasmine )

I crept through the castle, hoping no one saw me. I don't know why but I felt like King Laurent wouldn't like me going to his mother and sister to talk about him. And I had a feeling that if anyone saw me go, they would report to him. So I watched where I was going carefully and made my way to the room Laurent escorted us to earlier.
I knocked a few times and waited. When Liara answered, I was stunned by how pretty she was. It made no sense, I think I had a girl crush on her. She cleared her throat and I snapped out of my embarrassing musings.

Liara: "Did you need something Jasmine?"

Jasmine: " I'm sorry if I came at a wrong time, I was just hoping to speak with you and Ms. Lidia."
Liara moved to the side as Ms. Lidia came into view.

Lidia: "Ah but of course child, come on in." She gave me this sweet motherly smile and I couldn't help but smile back. She and Liara went back inside the room and I followed. Their room was very reflective of my own except it was bigger and had two beds in it. I took a seat on the lush Victorian style love seat on near the door.

Lidia: "So what would you like to know dear?"
She spoke as she sat in front of the vanity mirror, curling her hair. Liara just laid down on her bed on her phone.

Jasmine: " I actually wanted to know your opinion on King Laurent and Candice's relationship. I have been having some issues with her and I've been feeling guilty about getting in the way of her and King Laurent. She seems to love him."
Liara's snort was loud. I watched as she laughed so hard that she had to hold her stomach and there were tears in her eyes.

Liara: "That bitch does not love my brother. She loves his financial status. She always coveted the Queens crown and tried to be Queen many times. When she saw Laurent and Jessica's marriage get rocky, she was the first slut in line to get in between them. Sadly, she made it through. I've always wondered what my brother saw in her. Larry and Laurent are terrible at choosing who they love." Liara rolled her eyes and laid back down.
Hm. Ms. Lidia set the curling iron down and turned to face me.

Lidia: "Tell me child, do you love my son?" I hadn't really expected her to ask me that.

Jasmine: "I do care for him. I won't say I love him, it's to early for that. I hardly even know him." Ms. Lidia got up and walked over to me. She sat next to and looked me right in the eyes.

Lidia: "Listen to me carefully child, fore I will be giving you advice your own mother should've bestowed. Love knows no time. Love is timeless Jasmine. You can be with a man for years and never love him, while you can meet a total stranger and your heart is his with just a hello. Do not let your heart be swayed just because your mind doesn't agree. Just because you haven't known my son for long, doesn't mean you don't mean better for him than someone whose known him forever." I felt the tears fall. All I ever wanted was for my mom to care for me and love me. To give me advice when I was lost and comfort when I was lost. I took Ms. Lidia's advice to heart simply because she's done everything in one day that I had wished my mom would do my whole life.
Ms. Lidia wiped my tears away gently, a soft smile on her face.

Lidia: "Now for my opinion on my sons and their choice in women. I believe my sons are just confused. They never knew true love and so when the heathens came forward with their false exaggerated love, Larry and Laurent saw it as true. Now Larry had gotten lucky with Lylah, his ex wife. She truly loved him but Larry did not know how to love her. I had actually applauded her for leaving my son. While I am their mother and I love them, I am not blind to their faults. Larry is far to paranoid and untrusting while Laurent is to serious and at times stuck up. Jessica was a kind one but she wasn't strong enough to get my son to commit. Larry needs a loving hand and Laurent needs a firm one. I believe you are what Laurent needs Jasmine. I've yet to meet the other girl. I will see her tonight at dinner and make my assessment. I know I just met you today Jasmine but there's something about you. I hope you will stay."
Huh? Did she know about me trying to go to London.

Jasmine: "Ms. Lidia, thank you. I never thought that King Laurent's mother would be the one to give me something I always yearned for. A mother figure. I thank you both for giving me some of your time. I should probably go and prepare for dinner."

Lidia: "Of course dear and please call me Lidia. The miss part is unnecessary. Hopefully one day, you will be calling me mom." I blushed at her words, far to embarrassed. I got up to leave when Liara spoke.

Liara: "You know, if you want to know anything about Candice, you should speak to that guard Curtis." She had this look on her face, trying to relay her meaning to me. Candice and Curtis? Whilst Lidia just scoffed. That was.... Interesting.

Jasmine: "Thank you Liara." She simply nodded her head and went back to her phone. I left out the door, my mind taking in all the information I gotten. I wondered if Curtis thought of me as a friend, that way getting something about Candice out of him should've been easy.

As I made my way back to my room, I passed by King Laurent's den. I stopped in my tracks then made a u turn, knocking on the huge doors. A curt come in was said from the other side and so I went in. King Laurent was absorbed in his work and hadn't even looked up.

King Laurent: "Yes, what is it?" His voice was impatient and clipped. I wondered if maybe I came at a bad time.

Jasmine: "I apologize King Laurent. If you are busy I will leave you to it." At the sound of my voice, King Laurent looked up from his stack of documents and smiled. I melted.

King Laurent: "Oh it's you Jasmine. What a coincidence. I was just thinking of you."

End Chapter

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