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The Twin Kings Princesses

I stood in the same spot for what seemed like forever and time just rolled on by, seconds into minutes.

Jasmine: "I'm sorry, I think I heard you wrong. I can not and will not be your Princess. Hell, I don't even want to be in your Chosen. I just want to get to London. . . Your Majesty." I had added the last words as kind of a sarcastic attempt to get the King to change his mind. There was no way I could be his Princess. I mean sure, there was a slight attraction between us but nothing that would ever cause him to make such a decision. I was pretty sure he lost his obviously fractured little mind.

King Laurent: "I made my choice and there will be no changing it. As for the rest of you, you can escort yourselves out. My guards will open the gates for you. Feel free to take what you wore to dinner as a sort of consolation prize." I looked at King Laurent with a mixture of awe and bewilderment at how rude and uncaring he seemed about their feelings. I mean sure they were greedy status seekers but still, wasn't a King suppose to be kind? The women walked out the door with mutterings of how wrong the Kings were and how blinded they must be to choose someone other than them, the advisor from the marketplace stood.
Wait... The advisor. I walked up to her, deadly anger etched into all of my features.

Jasmine: "This is YOUR fault! I didn't want to be part of this and yet you had those guards drag me here. What kind of place forces women into a bullshit competition such as this? " I was basically yelling at her, the emotions of the day taking hold of me. She just gave me a look of indifference, shrugging her broad shoulders.

Eleni: "Those are the rules kid, I was just doing my job and I don't really care how you feel about it." She walked out, completely forgetting my existence. It was only the Twin Kings and their Chosen Few left in the resting area. I stood there just absorbing what happened. Did this mean I couldn't leave? Would they even allow me to leave? Maybe if I stood here long enough, King Laurent would lose interest and let me go back to Ms. Betty or better yet, to London. I heard a exaggerated intake of breath and looked behind me at the people responsible for the diminishing of my sanity. Candice looked absolutely livid, I mean to the point of where she was shaking.

Candice: "What the fuck Lau?! Tell me that you were joking. There's no way you chose her over me as your Princess! This isn't funny!" I rolled my eyes at Candice's temper tantrum, it really was immature. If she wanted to be his pampered pet, I had no problem giving the title over to her.

King Laurent: "I'm not joking Candice. Your ugly and despicable behavior today caused this. And I could have sworn I told you, you had no place in this competition. You entered of your own volition since I remembered distinctly telling my guards and advisors not to pick you. Now deal with it. And you will address me by my name and title, not a nickname reserved only for those closest to me. As for you miss Jasmine, I propose you stop with the sarcasm and blatant disrespect. I have been tolerant of it thus far, but do not test my patience. Now if you will follow me, my brother and I will speak with you in my den."
Even though he clearly told me to follow him, I had this feeling of being dismissed once again. Did anyone in this place ever truly acknowledge anyone but themselves.

King Larry: "Ah wait mon frere, I did not announce my Princess. Which is going to be Melissa." I saw Kyanna face fill with disappointment and Melissa smirked at her, her own face full of arrogance.

King Larry: "But do not misunderstand, Kyanna is very close to taking your place. I only gave you the title of Princess because of our history. Should you have been a stranger, Kyanna would be my Princess. Everything word she spoke had been genuine while you spoke with a assurance that I would choose you regardless. Tread lightly Melissa, for you're walking on thin ice." King Larry said this with such seriousness that Melissa's whole demeanor went from arrogance to straight pain filled. I could see Kyanna hiding her smile behind her hand. At least she could feel something good from this fuckery. King Laurent and Larry walked on ahead through the double doors, with Melissa and Candice following behind them like kicked puppies. Kyanna came to me and took my hand. I gave her a unsteady smile and we walked behind the Kings and their dogs. As we walked, I found myself admiring the castle again. It must've have been amazing to live here. I wished I could feel happy at being here, but I really didn't want to spend my life stuck inside closed walls and a closed hearted King.

I spotted Sophia cleaning the dining room as we passed by it, she looked up and waved to me, her toothy grin sending a warmness through my heart. I waved back and when I looked ahead again, I saw King Laurents eyes on the exchange. He seemed surprised but said nothing. We came to a stop outside of a pair of gorgeous mahogany double doors. They had a intricate cross pattern with the initials LNB engraved on them in a cursive font. Two guards appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

King Larry: "Show the women to their rooms please. Make sure you take Melissa to the Princess room adjoining mine." King Larry spoke with a bored tone. Melissa had a weird look on her face

Melissa: "You're not going to escort me King Larry?" He gave her a pointed look and a simple no. Once again, Melissa and Candice walked away like stray puppies. Kyanna seemed hesitant to leave me but I gave her a reassuring smile and gestured for her to go.

Kyanna: "I will see you in the morning?" She asked.

Jasmine: "Hopefully not, I want to be on my way as soon as possible." I said with a slight hope in my voice. She smiled and left, running a little to catch up to the others.

King Larry: "Are you finished?"
King Larry said with impatience. Geez, this King had a stick up his ass I swear.

Jasmine: "I apologize for saying goodnight to my friend, Your Highness." The words practically spat with sarcasm. King Larry's eyes narrowed and he was going to say something until King Laurent put his hand on his shoulder.

King Laurent: "I believed I told you of your attitude miss Jasmine. Now if you two are done behaving like children, shall we go in?" I felt like I had been chastised and so I just nodded my head. King Laurent smirked and opened the doors,

King Laurent: "After you, Princesse. " I walked in before the Kings, irritation slightly pricking at me from his mocking tone.

The den was gorgeous, just like the rest of the castle

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The den was gorgeous, just like the rest of the castle. It had a sort of homey feel to it and I had a sneaking suspicion King Laurent spent a lot of time in here. He and King Larry both took a seat by the desk, the latter gesturing for me to sit on the couch. As I did so, King Laurent spoke.

King Laurent: "Now miss Jasmine, lets talk compromise."


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