Determination |30|

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( King Laurent )

I stared into the eyes of a beast. A beast so unfathomable and savage. A beast who strikes without mercy. A beast I called mother. She was highly upset about Candice and Melissa being in the Chosen. I could tell before she spoke of her disapproval. What shocked me was how quickly she was won over by Jasmine. My mother and sister hated any and all women that came into contact with their boys.

So to see them not only comforting Jasmine but actually speaking with her made me all at once suspicious and happy. Jasmine's looked so confused and I was a little sad that I couldn't inform her of my plan. I needed everyone to react naturally. I ignored the glares being shared between my mother and Candice and just took Jasmine's hand in mine. When she looked at me, I smiled.

King Laurent: "I didn't mean to grab you like that, I was just worried. I thought you might've left."

Jasmine: "How would I leave without a boat?"
Her head tilted to the side, obviously not catching what I was trying to convey. I sighed.

Lidia: "So, are you not going to escort your mother around?"

King Laurent: "Maman, you know the way, why are you acting as though you don't?"

Lidia: "Regardless, you WILL escort me. And Jasmine, you come along to darling. I wish to know more about you. The trash can stay behind for all I care." Ugh, my mother never was good at biting her tongue. Candice whole body language resonated angry but she said nothing. That was good. After what I found out, if she got out of line with my mother, I would have a hard time keeping my composure.

Jasmine: "Yes ma'am. Maybe you can tell me stories of when King Laurent and Larry were babies." Jasmine's soft laughter mixed with my mothers sent a jolt of joy to my heart. It's been a long time since I saw such a rare sight from my mom. After dad died, she sort of went inside herself. She wouldn't speak with anyone but her kids and she had moved from the castle to a small home on the other side of Parisih. Liara went with her to help take care of her and to make sure she didn't go crazy alone. I wondered how my mom asked me to escort her but she already taken Jasmine's hand and they were now a good thirty feet from me, laughing and talking.

Candace: "Lau, you didn't tell me your mom was coming over. And how come your being so friendly with Jasmine? Wasn't you suppose to send her to London since Queen Jessica was found?" I had forgotten all about Candice for a second. I pushed down the anger I felt at her voice and kept my voice steady.

King Laurent: "I do not need to inform you of every thing that I do, especially when it comes to my mother. And why shouldn't I be friendly with my Princess?"
Candice's jaw dropped and I left to go catch up with my mom and Jasmine.

I could see her watching. While she spoke and joked with Jasmine, my mother observed everything. She was cautious by nature and always alert. Being Queen for 30 years made her so. I walked just behind Jasmine, my mind on my plan. My mother and Liara would push buttons and I would see how the Chosen handled the pressure. When we passed the resting room, Jasmine suddenly stopped walking and I bumped right into her. I apologized but she was staring at something very intently.

King Laurent: "Are you okay Jasmine?"

Jasmine: "Huh?...... Oh yes I'm sorry, I thought I saw something. I guess not." My mom eyes narrowed, she must of saw something too.

King Laurent: "Well if there was something there, it's not anymore. Come, I will escort you both to your rooms so that you can get ready for dinner. I have some business to attend to and politics to handle."
They both nodded, lost in their own thoughts. We first took my mother to her room and then I escorted Jasmine to hers. She went to step inside but I grabbed her hand, stopping her from moving.

Jasmine: "Something wrong?" Her confusion heavy in her tone.

King Laurent: "No, I just wanted to do this first." I pinned her against the doors and kissed her. Her lips fit perfectly with mine, and they parted, allowing me space to coerce her tongue to play with mines. When the soft moan was heard, I lost myself and deepened the kiss. Jasmine arms wrapped around my neck and she tiptoed so that there was no space between us. I don't know what it was that I was feeling but there was this sort of elation in my body. All because of a simple kiss. My hands slid down to cup her ass in my hands and I slowly caressed each cheek. I rotated my hips in a circular motion against her which caused delicious friction. She moaned again and I pulled away. I leaned my head against hers, our breathing now quick pants.

King Laurent: "Mm, I need to go. If I stay here, I would end up having my way with you and then you wouldn't be able to walk and I wouldn't get any work done. So Princesse, I have to leave."
She muttered a breathless okay and I snuck one more kiss then softly pushed her into her room, closing the door after.

I went to my den, determined to get some work done and not turn around and fuck the life out of Jasmine. It was a hard decision really. I got started on the huge pile of papers on my desk, each one either containing a complaint or something that had to be done in the Kingdom.
One in particular caught my attention, a teacher asking for more better supplies and space for her students. Hm, I think that was the perfect opportunity to test the Chosen out on. I mean, two of them would be Queens, so they needed to be able to resolve issues like this. Yes, this would do perfectly. I continued to work until dinner time.

( Jasmine )

I laid on bed, all smiles and butterflies. It amazed me how King Laurent could make me forget my worries about him with a simple kiss. But this sexual tension was getting out of hand. I don't know how much more of it I can take. Well, there's nothing I could do about it now. My door opened without warning and I shot up into a sitting position on the bed. Who the hell? In walked Candice. She closed the doors behind her and my eyes followed her as she  walked to the sofa in the room and sat down. She crossed her legs like she was some kind of lady and the glare on her face could break weaker women.

Candice: "So it seems you've forgotten our little deal pauper. Must I remind you? What were the names again, Ramon and Selena? And don't think I don't know that they are with your other brother. That isn't a problem, I'd just have to take care of him too." The smile on her face was sadistic and cruel. Dread rushed to the pit of my stomach.

Jasmine: "Why are you so cruel Candice? I've done nothing to you. Everything that I am have done has been for self defense. Why bring my family into this?!" My emotions were swerving out of control, my worry for my siblings immense. She got up and smacked her palms down on the bed, inches from me.

Candice: "Laurent is mine! I will not let you destroy all my hard work I put into having him. I've been by his side for years, stayed by him when Jessica no longer wanted him! And then you come along and in just a few months, you snatch him from me! I will not give up the man I love!" Candice's eyes were so full of hurt that for a second, I believed she really did love King Laurent. I felt this surge of guilt run through me. I looked down, my feelings for King Laurent were mediocre compared to hers. Candice huffed and moved from the bed.

Candice: "I will do whatever I have to, to keep the man I love. If it means hurting a few people or even making sure they stay permanent gone, then so be it. Just remember that Jasmine." She left with that. I felt little. What if she really had loved King Laurent and I was being a home wrecker? I mean, I didn't know the circumstances of her and King Laurent's affair, he and I never talked about it. Maybe I should ask him. I slowly got up and dressed for dinner.

Maybe Ms.Lidia or Liara could shed some light on their situation, since they held nothing back. I threw on a red long sleeve top and black leggings and left the room. I was determined to talk to the two most important ladies in the Kings lives and hopefully I could get some insight as to what to do.

( end chapter )

I was going to make this chapter much longer buttttttt I like cliffhangers.

The Kings Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें