Remembering |26|

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( Jasmine )

The flames felt like they set my veins on fire. I could hardly see and my head was pounding. But then something clicked in my mind.

( Flashback )
I woke up, my body feeling like it was broken in half. I checked myself but I had no cuts or bruises. I heard a sound, like someone groaning in pain. It was then I realized that there were other people from the plane. I got up with difficulty and helped the man who groaned up. He had a branch that had went straight through his arm.

Jasmine: "Do you want me to help you pull it out sir?"
Man: "No, I'll be fine, just help the others please." I nodded my head and went to help up anyone else who was awake and able. I didn't see the little grape lollipop girl and that caused my heart to sink. I caught a glimpse of red and gold. The VIP gorgeous creature from the plane. I walked over to her as quickly as I could and checked on her. She had a gash on her head and her dress was in tatters. Her eyes were open but they weren't seeing. I tried to help her up and she softly cried.

Jasmine: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Jessica: "it's okay young one, I'm already gone." When she spoke, her voice crumbled with every word.

Jasmine: " I don't understand what you mean." That's when I looked underneath her. There was a piece of plane debris going through the side of her stomach. I gasped and tried to move it.

Jessica: "No, there's no point. I'll just bleed out if you remove it." I don't know why but tears fell from my eyes. So much death and I couldn't do anything about it.

Jasmine: "I'll go get help. I'll be back I promise." I got up and started walking. I didn't know where I was going but I had to find help. I didn't want anyone else to die. I walked for what seemed like hours, calling out for help. I saw a golden figure fleeing and I tried to chase after it. "Wait! Please, they need help!" The figure ran faster, hair of ink and gold flowing behind it. I tried to run after it but when it turned I didn't. I slipped and fell down a downward path, hitting so many branches and rocks on the way down causing my skin to bruise and cut up. I hit the rocky side of a brook and passed out.

( Jasmine )

I flew up out the memory, my eyes instantly tearing up.

Jasmine: "Oh my god, I left them there! I just forgot them and left them there to die!" I just sat there and cried. I was panting and my oxygen supply felt low. I wept and wept, feeling like the lowest scum of the earth. How could I have forgotten?! I didn't deserve to live while the rest of them perished! My hands shook and my bottom lip trembled from the sheer will of not trying to sob.
A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder and I screamed, scratching at them like a cornered cat.

King Larry: " Jasmine calm down, it's just me. We've been searching for you for hours. I'm glad to see you're okay." Hours? That wasn't possible. I looked through the trees and saw that the sky was dark. Had I really been out that long? Why did this happen so frequently to me? King Larry helped me up and put my arm around his shoulder. We walked back to the camp they had set up. Kyanna saw us and ran to me, looking me up and down, checking if I was okay. When I was over her constant mothering, I gave a small laugh.

Jasmine: "I'm okay Kyanna, just a bump on the head."

Kyanna: " what happened? I was so worried when me and Larry got back, you weren't here and King Laurent was frantic. It took forever for Larry to calm him down." I looked at King Laurent and he avoided me. He was helping Candice and Melissa with something, avoiding all eye contact with me. My heart clenched at the fact that I had to tell him what I remembered. I looked down at the ground, guess I was on my way to London soon.

The Kings LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora