Melissa's AWOL |35|

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( Melissa )
( Day 38 )

I stared out the window and sighed. It was so beautiful outside and yet, here I was depressed. I softly caressed the golden locket on the thin chain, a gift from long ago. I could see the cause of my depression sitting on a bench outside, watching his daughter play. For years Larry and I had been lovers, and for years I stayed in the shadows because he didn't want his daughter to have to see daddy with another woman who wasn't mommy.

I had thought that if I entered the Court Game without him knowing, that maybe it would get him to see that we were made for each other. I had tried my hardest to do everything and answer everything right, but there was a kink in my plan by the name of Kyanna. Larry seemed to fascinated with her off the bat and she quickly was winning his favor, despite me being named his Princess. I admit that I was a bitch, that I had taken my jealousy out on the girl and her friend Jasmine.

I also admit that I had taken things to far with my words and actions, but what else could I do? I watched the man I loved slip from me and was helpless to stop it. I couldn't stoop to the levels that Candy had. I was not going to threaten anyone's family, that just wasn't in me. I also didn't have an ex navy guard wrapped around my finger who would do whatever I asked. I gazed out at Larry picking up Liloh and laughing with Lylah. I brought the locket up to my face and opened it, the picture of me and Larry bringing happiness and pain to my heart.

I had been quiet lately and observant. Candy was losing her mind in her pursuit of King Laurent and she was quickly down spiraling. I stood up and grabbed my suitcase, filling it with my clothes that I brought with me. I don't think anyone knew that Larry moved me from the Princess room to the Chosen room and placed Kyanna in the Princess room. Something was wrong with her and it had Larry on edge. I had questioned him when a few days ago, he told me he was moving her into the Princess room but he kept changing the subject, dodging any chance to answer me. She was so much thinner than I recalled when I saw her and her dark chocolate skin had seemed to be cracking and ashy. I had even felt a string of worry at seeing her and looked at Larry, who wouldn't meet my eyes. He had laid her in the bed and took me out to the hallway.

Melissa: "What's wrong with her Larry? She looks like she's need to be in the hospital." I whispered for some reason.

King Larry: "Nothing's wrong with her Melissa but I need you not to talk about this to anyone, especially Candice. Don't think about it, don't worry about it, and don't mention it. It's personal and I won't have anyone interfere until she's ready."
His voice sounded so tired and I had realized that there were dark circles underneath his eyelids.

Melissa: "Larry, talk to me! I'm worried about you and I haven't even been able to see you at all lately. Is there even a reason for me to still be here? If I'm not wanted, then let me know Larry." He sighed and rubbed his eyes, a yawn escaping his lips.

King Larry: "You know how much you mean to me Melissa, I'm just going to be busy for awhile. I won't have time for you and I need you to be patient. Stop working yourself up for no reason." Was he serious?

Melissa: "For no reason?! Are you fucking kidding me Larry?! Not only did you just basically denounce me as your Princess, you have your mother and sister here who don't like me and you didn't even defend me when they insulted me! Then you are always with Kyanna and its like I don't even fucking exist! I'm not Candice Larry, I will not kill myself trying to keep a man who doesn't want to be kept and I'm not Lylah, we don't have a child bounding us. Only thing we have is our love so tell me Larry, do you even still love me?" I was crying and that made me sick to my stomach. I hated being weak for a man and I had been weak for far to long for this one.

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