Their Secret |40|

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( meanwhile, on the other side of the castle )

( King Larry )

I gently wiped the sweat from her head with a cool wet cloth. I reached over to the nightstand to grab her medicine for when she wakes up. When I looked back at the sleeping woman, I saw that her eyes were open now, confusion in their depths.

King Larry: "Ah, speak of the devil, I was just thinking about when you'd wake up. Good morning. How are you feeling?" Kyanna's face scrunched up into a grimace and I immediately but gently pulled her mouth open and slid the pills and some water into the cavern.

King Larry: "You need to swallow it Kyanna, please it'll make you feel better." She swallowed the pills and gave a disgusted grunt at the bitter taste.

Kyanna: "Where am I?" I was expecting the question but could never fully prepare for it.

King Larry: "You are in the castle Kyanna, where you have friends and where I take care of you. Do you remember?" Her eyebrows drooped down as she attempted to remember and after a few minutes, she did.

Kyanna: "Oh the Court Game. I was a Chosen and met a kind pretty woman named Jasmine. Where is she King Larry?" I fought with myself as to whether to lie to her or be honest. Maybe I really should let Jasmine speak with her. I just didn't want to add another heartbreak to Jasmine. I've truly come to care about Jasmine as a sister but I kept my distance because I knew what was happening with Kyanna would slip and she had asked me not to tell, whether she remembered that part or not. I sighed and wiped away the sweat from her forehead again.

King Larry: "Yes, you were a Chosen but don't you remember that I made you my Princess? We came to care for each other a lot and I decided you were the better choice for me. Jasmine is with King Laurent, they are leaving on a trip today. When they come back, I will bring her to see you okay?" Her eyes begin to close.

Kyanna: "Okay King Larry, I'm so tired. Ill just take a little nap now." Her words were slurred and soon she was sleeping. It was what she done a lot lately. It was taking its toll on me but I wouldn't abandon her. I got up and kissed her, whispering against her lips.

King Larry: "I told you to only call me Larry." I left the room after making sure a servant was around should she wake up and made my way to Lylahs home.

When I stepped inside the little house, I was immediately attacked by a little pretty monster. She wrapped herself around my leg and refused to let go.

Liloh: "Hi daddy! Go, walk, so I can get a ride." I laughed, the first carefree one in awhile. I walked with the little monster wrapped around my leg, carrying her to her mother.

Liloh: "Look mommy, daddy is in my control. I reign supreme. I am Queen." Her mothers laugh was infectious and I found myself happy. I reached down to grab the monster off my leg and put her on my shoulders.

King Larry: "Yes, Queen Liloh reigns. What is it that you desire Your Majesty?" My daughters eyes narrowed a bit and she seemed to be thinking really hard.

Liloh: "I wanna go to the castle and see uncle Lau Lau. He no come to see me anymore. Did I make him angry?" That hurt. I almost forgotten how attached to her uncle Liloh was and I knew how distracted he had been lately. Lylahs frown showed that she felt the same way I did. I looked up to Liloh and smiled at her.

King Larry: "Okay Queen Liloh, but you have to wait until he gets back from his trip then you will spend all day with your uncle okay?" Her smile was radiant as she told me okay and asked to be put down. I did as she asked and off she ran. I stared after her for a few seconds when Lylahs voice caused me to look at her.

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