Confined Again

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( Day 95, January 25th )

It was pitch black, like I was dropped in the middle of a bottomless abyss. I could hear voices, they were muffled and echoed in the void but I could make out a few words. Danger? Who was in danger? Damage? Damage to the what? What the hell was going on? Will the baby survive? Hold the hell on! I picked a direction in the oblivion and ran, trying to get to the voices and see what was going on. I fought tooth and nail with my own inner darkness to find my way to a light I could see, just a small speck but it was there. I jumped and felt wind pushing my body back, it's noise assaulting my ears but I still tried. When the bright speck was just beneath my hand, I grabbed it and pulled myself through.

My eyes opened and blinding sunlight burned my pupils, but that wasn't important as I gasped for air. I clawed at the sheets constricting around me, crying out in fear. Strong hands grabbed my wrists,pinning them to the side of the bed. My eyes bugged and I fought against the hold until I heard a deep French growl.

King Laurent: "Stop damnit before you hurt yourself more!"
My struggling ceased and I looked up at the direction the voice came from to stare into chocolate irises. The whites of Laurents eyes had red lines in them and the beginning of bags where starting to show underneath his eyes. When he no longer deemed me as a danger to myself, he released my wrists and gently caressed the skin, small purple like marks showing from the force he had to use to keep me in place.

King Laurent: "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just needed you to calm down."
There was now regret mingled with worry swirling in brown depths and I felt my heart beat against its cavity. It took some work to raise my hand up to fondle his cheek but I managed and Laurent leaned into the touch.

King Laurent: "You never seem to be able to stop scaring me Jasmine. I don't know how much more I could take."
He kissed the palm of my hand and got into the bed with me, which I now could see wasn't ours but the one in Dr.Leonas room. He wrapped me in arms and pulled my body to rest against his, his lips pressing to my forehead.

Jasmine: "Laurent.. What happened? Is the baby okay?"
My voice was hoarse from lack of use and I had to clear my throat a few times to speak correctly. I felt his body tense up besides me and his hands that rested on my arms tightened just slightly at my question.

King Laurent: "The baby is fine Jasmine..."
The words were like a soothing balm on my burning heart but there was still a feeling of singe. It was the way he said it, as though there was more to it. I maneuvered myself in his arms to be able to rest on his chest and look in his eyes, the very same ones he now seemed reluctant to open.

Jasmine: "Laurent.... why did you sound so unsure about that?"
I asked, scared of the answer but Laurent just kept quiet and soft snores drifted past my eardrums. He fell asleep that quick?! There was no way but his non responsive actions when I pushed his shoulder showed that he was really asleep. I wonder how long he had been awake? The door lock clicking alerted me to someone walking in and I turned my head to see Larry walking in. He looked as bad as Laurent did but when his gaze landed on me, a smile brightened his face, drowning out the haggard features with the happiness that now seeped from his pores.

King Larry: "God sis, I didn't think you'd ever wake up and it's only been two days. Can't tell you how long Laurent and I have sat here waiting for you to open those beautiful eyes of yours. How are you feeling?"
Larry plopped down in the seat next to the bed, rubbing his eyes and suppressing a yawn. I tried to turn to face Larry fully but Laurent's arms refused to let me budge even an inch. Sighing a concede, I settled for turning my head to the side and watching Larry through my peripheral.

Jasmine: "I'm okay, I think but Larry, Laurent wouldn't tell me what's going on. Is my baby really okay?"
I kept the uneasiness at bay and waited with baited breath for Larry to answer. Pinning me with a pointed look, he inhaled a deep breath and leaned fully back in the recliner.

King Larry: "Jasmine... I don't know if it's my place to discuss this with you. Maybe you should wait until Laurent wakes up and speak with him about it."
His eyelids lowered fully and sickening rage overflowed on my veins. There was no way in hell they were both going to sleep and not telling me what the fuck was going on with my baby! Using all my strength to escape Laurent's arms, I tossed the blanket to the floor and froze. There were numerous tubes attached to my stomach and I noticed one that disappeared in between my thighs. Panic rushed me like a linebacker. Larry stayed with his eyes closed, not hearing a single sound but

Laurent eyes opened and disorientation was deep in the depths for a few seconds before clarity. A frown tugged the corner of his lips down when he saw that I was trembling  until he noticed the covers gone. Sitting up straight and taking a deep breath, Laurent stared right into my eyes and knew I wasn't going to relax until I understood what was going on. Running his hands through his twists, Laurent leaned over and replaced the covers over my lower body.

King Laurent: "Okay... for now the baby is fine but-"
Jasmine: "But what Laurent?!"
I cut him off which only earned me a annoyed glare and his lips sealed shut. He wasn't going to speak until I stopped interrupting. After a minute of me staying quiet, Laurent continued.

King Laurent: "But, Dr.Leona said the fetus is stressed. The damage you took in Florida has impaired your uterus baby and the only way for the baby to go full term, is if you stay on bed rest and engage in NO strenuous activities. No walking for to long, no heavy lifting, no stress and... no sex whatsoever, until birth."
Before I could stop myself, a hysterical laughter bubbled from the recesses of my chest and tears fell down my face. There just wasn't a break was there?

Jasmine: "So once again, I will be confined to a bed?"
I asked through small intervals of laughter and Laurent watched me with caution.

King Laurent: "Yes and no. Yes, you will spend most of your day in bed and no, you can walk around but with some form of aid. If I'm not around or Larry, I will get you your own personal servant. It will okay Jasmine, we should just be glad that you and the baby are still here. Now please, let me sleep. I been awake the last two and a half days waiting for you to open your eyes, let me get a chance to close my own."
He whispered to me and I let him pull me back into his embrace. Soon after I could hear the soft snores again and they came from both Kings.

I laid there, afraid to let my own eyelids lower in fear of the dark abyss that waited for me. So instead, I laid in Laurents arms and rubbed the hardly noticeable bump in my stomach.

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