Part 38

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Me and Robert are on a walk. We don't have much time left because we're leaving tomorrow so we decided to explore the places we didn't visit yet. It's very magical here, this place makes you want to stay there forever. We're now standing in a kinda high place that has full view of the crystal water and the beach. The sun is making the view even better.

"Robert let's take some pictures here."

"Sure, it's indeed very beautiful here."

He takes out his phone and opens the camera. He takes a few pictures of the view and then switches it to the front camera. I see him looking himself through the camera and fixing his hair and I laugh.

"Robert you're even worse than me."

"Why? Is it bad that I want to be sure I look perfect?"

"You're so full of yourself." I say and roll my eyes.

"C'mon you know you love me."

"That doesn't mean you're not full of yourself."

"But you do love me, don't you?" he asks and now looks at me instead of the camera.

"You know I do." I say and kiss him on the cheek leaving my lipstick mark.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It doesn't matter. I find it cute."

"Will we take those pics? I'm starting getting bored."

"Now I feel bad. Come here."

I go next to him and look at the camera smiling. Robert does the same and we take a few pictures. We're both wearing sunglasses, clothes with similar colors and Robert's cheek with the lipstick mark is visible in the pictures.

"Are you still bored?"

"Never when I'm with you."

A few people pass in front of us and after looking at them for a couple of seconds Robert goes to one of them and tells him something. He comes back to me and tells me to pose because they will take pictures of us. We took some photos smiling, hugging, kissing and my favorite is the one where he carries me bridal style.

"Thank you very much." Robert says to the man that took our photos.

"You're welcome. You and your girlfriend look very in love."

"She's my wife." Robert replies smiling and I look at him confused but don't say anything. I just smile too.

"Well, you seem like a happy couple! Keep going like that." he says and leaves.

Me and Robert are alone again and I look at him weirdly still thinking about what he said.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What was that about?"


"Why did you tell him that we're married?"

"Oh. I don't know, I didn't think it would bother you."

"No, it didn't bother me. It just... I don't know, I just didn't expect that."

"Are you ashamed of me being your husband?"

"Of course not! I'd love to have you as my husband."

"So if I proposed to you, you would say yes? Even though we're dating for like half a year?"

"I don't care so much about that. I love you, you love me. That's what matters."

"That's good to know."

"Would you like to have me as your wife?"

"Obviously! I just said that to that man. I couldn't have asked for a better wife."

"Okay, so we know we could be husband and wife. That's cute."

"I love you babe."

"Me too." I say and we kiss.

His phone rings and makes us break our kiss. He answers it and starts talking with whoever called him. I see his face changing from bright to cold and I'm confused. He hangs up the phone call and I look at him worried.

"What happened baby?" I ask sweetly.

Instead of answering me he looks away, starts breathing faster and more heavily and his forehead is getting more and more sweaty.

"Robert? Talk to me baby. Calm down." I say now more worried than ever.

I see that he's under a panic attack and I have no idea on how to stop it or help him. I take his face in my hands and look him in the eyes.

"Baby I'm here, everything's fine. Breathe normally with the sound of my voice."

I counted to 10 and managed to help him breathe normal again. We sat down and I was completely scared.

"Who was on the phone?"

"It was Ian."

"Is everything okay?" I ask understanding that something probably happened with Luke.

"Something happened to Luke and he almost died." he says and I hear his voice shaking.

I take off my sunglasses and his and hug him. He's ready to cry.

"He's okay now, right?"

"Thankfully yes. He could be dead and I didn't even visit him on the hospital. I'm the shittest person ever."

"Don't say that. We will visit him tomorrow when we return back home."

"There's also something else."


"He hacked the police files and found out that when Luke got shot the shooter wrote the letter D with his blood."

I freeze thinking about what he said. D stands for Dark and we all know it. But how did he find Luke? Why did he go after him and how? He's in prison. Maybe I'm overreacting. D could stand for something else, maybe it's the shooter's name or his symbol.

"I'll protect you baby. I won't let anything happen to you." Robert says and hugs me.

"It could be just a coincidence, we don't know it's him. It can't be him, he's in prison."

"I don't know who it is or how he did it, we still have to be careful."

"I know, we'll be fine. No one knows where we are or where we live."

"I love you Aria. I promise I'll be strong for you."

"You're already strong. You're my savior, don't forget that."

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